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    Dude sounds like he’s super racist/xenophobic AND he has a chip on his shoulder. He’s just aching to start a fight over nothing. Welp, guess he got his wish.

    It’s really telling that the statement from the FFA alumni makes zero mention of how their guy drowned animals in front of students. They go on and on about all the other great things the man has done during his career but don’t even try to defend (or speak at all about) his actions in this situation. For a group so

    I’m white, and I just want to say that people who call the cops on black people for frivolous or non-existent reason are NOT well-intentioned. Please don’t give them that much credit. They are racist busybodies who feel entitled to insert themselves into strangers’ business. And they use law enforcement to do their

    I know! The unmitigated gall of that comment! Who the fuck this lady think she is??? It’s not even her house!

    Agreed. Also, the quickest way to get a 14-year-old to do anything is to tell them NOT to do it.

    The ten-year-old in me loved it. The 34-year-old in me is a bit too cynical to appreciate it. The movie tries really hard to inspire hope. There were a few times I teared up, especially during Zach Galifianakis’s scene. His moment with Meg was surprisingly touching. I think this movie will really hit home with anyone

    I agree with you. I like this scene. I like that it ties back to Phasma shutting down the Starkiller shield in TFA. Some people felt she gave in too easily in that scene, and I’m glad Finn is calling her out on it. Like even he thinks she rolled over too quickly. It’s also a nice way for him to momentarily turn the

    Someone posted this on The Bachelor Reddit board, and it’s so spot-on:

    Not the same earrings. The ones on the driver’s license were peacock feathers. Bekah is all about the big, dangly earrings. I admire her gutsy fashion choices, but my earlobes hurt just looking at her.

    Here’s one I had to hunt for the other day: Anthem, Pt. 2 byt Philip Glass. You may recognize it as a song from the movie “The Truman Show”: Anthem Pt. 2

    Also don’t argue with people who make sweeping judgements and dismiss entire demographics of society as being unworthy of being heard.

    Approach the discussion as a partnership rather than a conflict. Look for what you can agree on. Presenting someone with facts that contradict their views can cause them double-down. This is called the “backfire effect”. They may come around to your point of view eventually, but you have to give them a way to do so

    God damn it, that is brilliant! Well played, sir/madam.

    Shame on the mother and the wife in the 1st letter. The Letter Writer was exploited and abused by his mother. The fact that he doesn’t “feel” abused and still maintains a close relationship with his abuser is not uncommon for victims of incest and does not nullify the wrongness of his mother’s actions. He was a child

    This isn’t great news considering that the Mothman is said to make appearances just before a major tragedy.

    Regarding Leia’s space flight: It is possible for a human being to survive in space (briefly) without a suit. It would only be for a matter of seconds, but it is theoretically possible.

    A New Hope came out before I was born, so I pretty much grew up on the Star Wars franchise. We had the original three movies on VHS and watched them frequently. One of my favorite memories growing up was my dad turning out all the lights in the house during lightsaber battles so it looked like a light show in our

    Fuck Al Franken. I’m liberal and was a supporter of his but FUCK THAT. And please don’t split hairs about whether he was grabbing her breasts or hovering over them. I. Do. Not. Care. He’s a grown man mugging for the camera and pretending to grab an unconscious woman’s breasts. That is gross and unacceptable no matter

    I always thought I’d be totally upfront and honest with my kids about Santa, but my daughter is five and it definitely hasn’t worked out that way. We’ve gone the whole nine yards: visiting Santa at the mall, writing a letter to the North Pole, hiding presents from Santa until the night before Christmas. I don’t feel