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    That is fucking terrifying. On a related note: Have you ever watched Big Mouth on Netflix? When you described the gray thing lying on top of you and whispering comforting nonsense, I couldn’t help but picture the Depression Kitty.

    I would add a few to the list: Chronicle, Project Almanac, and Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones.

    Let me get this straight. They had female actors dance in bikinis (to the song Milkshake no less) for a role that included neither dancing nor bikinis.......

    New Year’s Eve 2008: Got into a fight with my boyfriend (now husband) on the way to my friend’s house. It was a long car trip, and we got lost. Once we finally got there, I promptly dropped and shattered an entire bottle of Captain Morgan in the driveway. Only a couple hours into the night, my friend’s dog peed on my

    I had my wisdom teeth removed the day before Thanksgiving.

    No one has more opinions about women’s lives, bodies, and choices than old men.

    I usually like horror movies, but there are definitely some where I’ve had to look up the synopsis first. I had Tusk on my Netflix queue forever but couldn’t bring myself to watch it. I read the synopsis, and now I’m glad I didn’t see it.

    I saw Hereditary, and it messed me up. Now all of the nightmares are about Toni Collette.

    Nah, those who actually deserve it likely don’t have the intellectual curiosity to attempt traveling to a non-English-speaking country.

    My grandmother’s basement. It still features prominently in most of my nightmares. One side of the basement is furnished and not too bad. My cousins and I use to play down there, and it even became my room for a while in college. The other side though was like it was like the set of a horror movie. Exposed pipes and

    Thank you for sharing your story, for having the COURAGE to share it. I can’t imagine how difficult it is for you you to tell this, let allow live through it. It was absolutely not your fault. The only person responsible is the sick fuck who hurt you. May he rot in the bowels of hell for all eternity.

    Attention All Fathers of Daughters: Do not use your offspring as a defense for your terrible words/actions/opinions. Having the ability to procreate a female child does not give you feminist credit. Speaking as an ACTUAL DAUGHTER, if you really cared, you’d shut up and listen to what the daughters of the world have to

    I’m sorry, but I’m having a really hard time taking this seriously. Yes, there are definitely racist trolls out there making this symbol unironically, but I just don’t think that’s what’s happening here. I’ve watch the video. I’ve tried resting my hands in same position. I really think this is just a woman casually

    My first glance at the picture above, I thought I was looking at a dead Giant Squid.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for your advice to Bent Out of Shape. I can tell you, as a woman who has struggled a good chunk of my life with weight, depression, and low self-worth, you perfectly articulated what that feels like. The problem here isn’t BOoS’s sad penis, it’s that his GF isn’t valuing herself enough.

    Okay, that makes much more sense, because I was wondering how in the hell he was allowed to still possess a gun while out of bond for a gun-related charge.

    The most unbelievable part of this story is that that guy is 29 years old. He looks 39, minimum.