Hello Philip,
Hello Philip,
Yes, but is the tie made of silk or .... lenin?
I have a cat who looks like a Russian Blue but is actually a gray tabby. He is concerned that he will be stereotyped for his appearance.
In case you haven’t seen it, Ross Matthews has the world’s best Lady Gaga story from RPDR:
My favorite; I was confused! Asshole- I’m fine though. Finally done crying and almost don’t hate him anymore.
When my ex went through a bitter break up he called me and tearfully said that he felt like he was living in The Truman Show and that he was Jim Carey and I was the cute brunette girl he always wanted to be with but couldn’t.
We truly are living through the golden age of the man child, aren’t we?
Me too! Saw it on da intawebz where a guy has a bunch of book covers like this and pretends to read them on the subway.
Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) is a Tea Party Republican who voted, last week, to repeal the Affordable Care Act without any…
Rachel, you posted THE gif. Not anything to add except you the woman!
On his way out of Washington D.C., Brotman stabbed two Secret Service agents sent by Trump to kill him; carved his legacy into the National Archives and made his way to serve his true president.
I do want it said and again and again how this has nothing to do with conventional politics. Trump isn’t just wrong or bad (or even primarily wrong or bad) because he’s a Republican. He’s bad because he’s just a shitty human being who just so happens to have hijacked politics.
It’s great when John Oliver is referenced here because it gives me the opportunity to say:
<Cut to Brad doing a wacky, spastic dance while the crowd goes wild and Angie storms backstage in tears>
She is afraid public will learn Brad is not the father of any of her children. - Maury