Good to see James Stephanie Sterling getting some love. Thank god for them!
Good to see James Stephanie Sterling getting some love. Thank god for them!
Fair like Hitler, fit like Goering, tall like Goebbels, heroic like these buffoons.
Yeah... Last time I had a full on emotional breakdown, I just sat in the cooler on a pickle bucket for about 5 minutes before splashing some cold water on my face and going back to the line.
Look how easily they crack??
As a fellow Warren supporter, this is the correct take. I don’t doubt that Bernie made remarks about the electability of a woman candidate, because he was probably saying what we’ve all thought in the wake of 2016: wait, is this country too sexist to elect a woman? I personally believe it isn’t, which is part of why I…
Furthermore, the Bros reaction to all of this conveniently ignores that Warren waited until Sanders covertly turned on her to ever so much as imply a negative word about him. If we’re talking about things in the language of back-stabbing, maybe Bernie Sanders shouldn’t have allowed his campaign to circulate a…
Moore has a penchant for name calling. Moore is about 50:50 on his judgements and pronouncements. He’s now just one more loud voice in the nattering din.
Warren has been tagged a “liar” by the GOP for a while now. Any story on Fox is accompanied by dozens to hundreds of people calling her a liar.
It’s not surprising Michael Moore called Liz a “backstabber” like she’s the mean girl in high school.
Happy to to give you my thoughts on this issue
Maybe I am psychic, but I am thinking your boss is generally a shit boss, right? Because people who respond to employees concerns about their safety in that way are probably totally inept at all aspects of people management. I am sorry you are going through this. It is not OK.
No no, you don’t understand. They’re not assholes, they’re introverts.
This entire comment section is a fantastic way of determining who exercises empathy vs. those who are incapable of understanding or expressing it.
Yeah, that’s definitely a picture of a sunbathing asshole.
Wow, that was heartbreaking to watch and I didn’t think they were going to go so deep. But it was beautiful to witness how well these women handled speaking their truth, holding themselves accountable, holding others accountable, and forging a way forward with hearts on sleeves.
Funny, when my brother got mugged not once but twice, my parents never questioned the fact he was walking home alone late at night or that he had cash on him. The police took his statement like business as usual. My mother wanted to “catch the bastard that did this.”
Thank you for this, I have spent all morning looking for a website to tell me who won last night’s game.