
do Americans not know that their laws don’t govern the whole world

Hugs back and thank you!

I’m 37 and I’m only out to my TINY group of friends and on the internet. Like, some of us have difficult as fuck situations we can’t escape. Heck.

I followed all the books, some of the comics, and a couple of video games called Star Wars from ‘92 (Heir to the Empire in paperback) till ‘99. The one-two punch of Phantom Menace in May and Vector Prime in the fall, I think, kind of... broke me re: Star Wars for a LONG time.

I was into Star Trek and Star Wars and Babylon 5 and video games, etc, etc, all through the ‘80s and ‘90s. Boys didn’t believe it, quizzed me endlessly and mercilessly about trivia, and still rejected me when I could answer all their stupid bloody questions. Girls rejected me because I liked things that were “for

I just gotta say, I’ve been a fan of Star Wars since I was a little girl in the ‘80s. I was never quiet about it, and my experience with other fans has always, always been negative.

There are people for whom they are not safe. Wood smoke isn’t inherently safe just because it doesn’t have tar or whatever else that a cigarette does (I’ve included two quotations and an article from Scientific American and a report from the gov’t of Alberta below my own commentary). For your neighbours with

I pretty much don’t care what anyone does to their own bodies, not really, but if it in any way has a negative effect on others, I draw a hard line. Smoking/vaping, backyard fires, drunk or aggressive driving, revving the engine of your motorcycle/muscle car at midnight...

Let us not forget that one of them—Benioff?—once happily excised the magic and gods out of the Trojan War.

They left him out of an an entire season.

Hugs back to you. Thank you so much.

With all of the “Dany is evil/the mad queen” stuff, I’ve always felt, I don’t know, too stupid or something for not really buying into it?

I coulda coped with the whole “oh, but Jedi don’t have kids, love is a weakness, etc” if Lucas had left out the midichlorians and just made it a mysterious thing that picked people at random to be bearers of its powers. But it’s a thing that happens in your blood but without bloodlines. And I’ll never quite forgive

Okay. I just. I don’t understand this whole “bloodlines” thing, how it must all be so important and genetic and legacies and whatever when the Skywalkers are four generations at best. I mean, Shmi was... kind of no one? Sure, Anakin Skywalker was supposed to be ‘the chosen one’ but the supposedly suddenly-beloved

*whispers* I followed the EU until Vector Prime—all of it—and I hated every moment of it after Heir to the Empire. I was a dumb, dumb teenager. (Since then, I’ve stopped hate-watching/reading/playing media properties. I’m so much happier, I must say.)

Any “prank” that sets out to deliberately upset a child and make them cry—like this one, or those Halloween candy ones on Kimmel (?), or that one that went around before where people manipulated kids into thinking they were invisible—bother me on a deep, visceral level.

Babylon 5 remains my favourite show. Every show that has an ongoing, serialised story arc owes it to B5. And honestly, every time someone talks about Joss Whedon in glowing terms I find myself thinking, “Yeah, but JMS did it first.” Except for the musical episode—that was Xena.

The one thing that we Canadians can’t get complacent about, though, is the fact that if your insurance isn’t through your employer, they are all allowed to—and do—refuse to cover “pre-existing conditions”.

I see so many angry geeks who seem to hate everything they consume, and I don’t quite understand it. Life’s too short to keep doing things you’re not enjoying! I have given up on many books and TV series when I stopped enjoying them and, sincerely: I’ve always just ended up having more time and energy for things I do

Y’know, when I was young, pretty, thin (and all of 5'2"), I bypassed the lines at concerts for the ladies’ room and instead went to the men’s room, because I have a bladder roughly the size of a tic tac. I sure got a couple of “What the?!” looks, and more than one “Uh, miss, you know this is the men’s room, right?”