
I can’t help but wonder the perception that vaping is “safer” causes users to constantly vape. Its almost as annoying as vegans, but no where near as annoying as bicycle enthusiasts.

Lotta boomers not really understanding that “bigger than the Beatles” is a stock phrase meaning very popular and not literally more popular than the Beatles. It’s originally a riff on Lennon saying that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus.

I LOVED Claudia. I loved that she was so artsy, I loved that she had snacks hidden everywhere. I WANTED floor boards so I could hide snacks. (I also was not allowed sugar). I loved mysteries and Nancy Drew, I felt that Claudia was the Asian me... I grew up in a predominantly white suburban middle class area and I

Starting with Anakin as an adult who’s already a talented fighter pilot fixes all the issues. He’s someone who’s already had success, but discovers he can have yet more by learning to use the force. It also helps make Yoda’s “he’s too old to begin training” from Empire make a bit more sense than the “you have to start

I recall recoiling at the overt racists stereotypes (especially that ’Jewish’ flying bug) when I saw the film. This was before I had read any critical reviews. For awhile I thought I was the only one who was offended then the reviews mentioning the racial stereotypes started popping up. So I wasn’t alone.

I learned in those 15 years that Return Of The Jedi is a bad film. Too long, the main heroes rarely say anything meaningful to each other (Luke/Leia sister talk is it, basically), re-hashed ANH beats, and parts of it look like a TV movie. I almost nodded off watching the SE in the theater. It takes the first 36 1/2

...then dogs literally wouldn’t exist.

I generally agree with you, but there are actually many interesting and informative YouTube videos. I’m just sick of all the people like this woman who think they can make a living by getting other people to watch their mundane lives. 

So what if a disease is psychosomatic? Really. The suffering is real all the same.

This! I'm Irish and we pretty much swear every third word! I can't understand why the reaction in the US to cursing is so pearl clutching yet dozens of people being shot and killed doesn't gather the same outrage. Priorities are all wrong there!

In my house growing up, swearing was seen as a healthy way to vent feelings of frustration. Swearing at someone (unless clearly joking) was a no-no. Swearing about the state of things in general was (is) fair game. I can’t think of any more appropriate reason to be swearing right now.

Dropping a ‘fuck’ or ‘shit’ in frustration is no longer news. It’s just vocabulary, but CNN would like to get a news cycle out of it.

Fillion’s been coasting on the goodwill generated by the Firefly fandom for decades, it seems.

What a fucking “well actually” piece of shit. He’s the sort of asshole nerd who thinks Data is better off without an emotion chip and considers empathy a weakness. 

I never knew what was the deal was with the Castle production other than Fillion allegedly not getting along with Stana Katic. Wasn’t production supposed to originally continue without Katic and Tamala Jones after both didn’t renew their contracts? That seemed like a particularly bad idea.

I figured it was over after Sandy Hook when I realized that a large number (22% according to one poll) of people were happier to escape reality by believing the massacre just. didn’t. happen. And questions of probability, consistency, conflicting internal logic within the narrative of what did happen didn’t matter,

“If two mass shootings in less than 24 hours won’t make them listen and won’t spur them to action, what will?”

Yes, vote like there’s a horse loose in a hospital.

Never, unless registered democratic voters get up off their asses and vote these shitbird republicans out of office.