
I feel like it’s so notable when there are stories about people coming unglued in a rage towards others on film and TV sets (Tambor, David O Russell, Christian Bale, others I’m sure I’m blanking on) because most people don’t.

Y’know, that’s... true. And really, really sad. :(

Maybe it’s time for American parents to protect their school-age children by sending them almost anywhere else in the world for school?

Yes, it’s been happening to me for ages, but only with Firefox, even after getting an update for it yesterday.

You know, I think at this point I’m always going to see Aiden Gillen’s face in a thing and think he’s going to or is actively doing something sinister. Alas.

Your kindness and compassion shall be remembered, Internet stranger.

Well, thank you!

‘Twas Kumail Nanjiani, though he later did tweet that he’d unfollowed her “months ago”, after she responded saying he’d done so. (I don’t know how to embed tweets and am too lazy to find out, sorry.)

I feel like the actress who plays Aunt Lydia should be really insulted that people are taking that joke to mean that Sanders is ugly. Because, in turn, it’s calling the actress herself ugly. Am I making sense?

There is a very scared little part of me that believes that with the popularity of some of the right-wing dudes like Jason Kenney and Doug Ford that I (as an old Millennial) will live long enough to see Canada turn even more into USAlite and that I will not have universal healthcare for the rest of my life. Among

Thank you.

Thank you so much. Would you like the truth or an artfully crafted lie?

If guns were more easily available in Canada—like, if I could walk into Wal-mart and walk out with a handgun—I know, deep inside, that I would not be alive.

Ah. The “proud non-reader of books”.

I’m fairly certain that this isn’t the reference you were actually making, but I couldn’t help but think of Steve vs Todd from Stargate: Atlantis.

I was vaguely left-leaning as a teenager (helped that I was—and still am, I guess!—queer). I’m now closer to 40 than to 30, and I’m turning into a truly crotchety “old” liberal. A lot of this could be that chronic illness has left my future and finances and, you know, ability to stay alive very uncertain.

I’m the whitest white girl you’re ever gonna find, and as such, other white people feel super comfortable being racist around me. I spent 5 years working in an optometrist’s office in Calgary, and let me tell ya: my white co-workers were very happy to unleash their racism as soon as our First Nations patients walked

Franklin looks utterly, utterly darling. Oh my gosh, that little face! I can definitely see where he could be manipulative, looking up at you all “Who me?” “Oh, my life is so hard”, all that. My experience has often been that boy dogs are more affectionate than the girls, and that they can get super attached to one

Aw, I’m glad I made you laugh today, especially at work. :) I’m not sure we’ve interacted much, but I’ve been around Jez for a decade now and read a lot of your comments and have learned a lot from you!

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