
Can you explain this a little more for me? I’m certain you’ve got a good point in here, but it’s just out of my grasp. I have ADD and spend most of my limited TV time doing something else at the same time, especially during ads, so I don’t quite have the context for the ads themselves. :)

That is an horrifically morbid quote, but dear lord, it is exactly how I felt with the flu, especially the second time around.

I’ve only missed the flu shot twice; both years, I came down with the flu. The first time I was afraid I was going to die. The second time... honestly, the second time I was afraid I wasn’t going to die. I was sick for nearly two weeks. After that all passed, the respiratory symptoms lingered, for a solid month longer.

If my chips don’t crunch, I throw them away because they’re fucking stale.

Does your ire for this practice get spread to the Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites, etc, as well?

I grew up in southern Ontario, actually. I was able to attend the festival a couple of times... all while I was still a teenager. I never had the opportunity as a (youngish) adult before I moved away to Calgary. The only big name I managed to see there was Paul Gross as Hamlet.

No joke, I gasped reading your last paragraph. Oh. My. Gosh.

... I’m so jealous of you right now you don’t even know.

He is absolutely, 100% my second-favourite video game mentor, hands down.

Weirdly, the one thing I don’t miss from working retail is cashing in/out. :D

When I read the headline, I figured he must have sent her 100 loose pennies. That is what a proper asshole would do.

Even though I’m sure nobody cares, this makes me really happy because purple is my favourite colour. I’m not sure I’ve met a shade of purple I don’t like.

ETA: Gosh, I didn’t look at the date on this article... ah well.

My brother is 14 years older than me, and I gained a lot of geekery via osmosis from him (and our mom). Before I sat down to watch the Star Wars movies, I had somehow picked up that Vader is Luke’s dad and Leia is Luke’s sister.

Aaron. (I love Killjoys to itty bitty pieces.)

You know those holes cut into a lot of windows, I guess to let rain back out if it comes in through your screen? My friends, a married couple with three kids, have those in all their windows, including windows that don’t have screens at all, like the huge set of windows in their kitchen. Just to be clear, these

Dammit, Stojko! I grew up where he was born and skated but figure skating fell off my radar a long time ago so I had no idea about this. D:

Holy shit... Bale and Adams are age-appropriate for each other. Please someone get me a fainting couch asap!

I was a teenage old girl in my first job that I fucking loved, getting harassed nearly every goddamn shift by customers and co-workers alike. Despite wearing an ugly-assed uniform of a polo shirt and long pants, I was convinced that it was somehow my fault, since the constant refrain that I heard from the adults

woman was created to be nurturing