I’m 35 years old. My entire life experience as a girl (now woman) who likes video games, Star Wars, Star Trek, Tolkien, HP, Stargate, Babylon 5, etc etc, has been this:
I’m 35 years old. My entire life experience as a girl (now woman) who likes video games, Star Wars, Star Trek, Tolkien, HP, Stargate, Babylon 5, etc etc, has been this:
I’m 100% the boss twerp. Didn’t you get the memo?
Like. Dude. Depeche Mode did it earlier this year. I know they’re older, and they’ve had a long, long career, and maybe even have less to lose if we want to look at it that way. But when Richard Spencer said they were the official music of the alt-right they responded with a hearty, resounding FUCK THE HELL OFF, YOU…
My dad!
Egg is the best Aegon.
The plural of anecdote does not equal data, but I don’t know who a single ex-athlete who doesn’t have a chronic pain problem or who hasn’t needed to have surgery on some joint or other—a couple of them when they were only in their thirties.
re: “getting in young” - I was 16, he was 28, so it’s the same age gap, but two years to the left. He was a musician. Wrote songs about me and shit. I was lucky enough to get out after a couple of years. But when I try to talk about it, most people are like, “Well, age of consent, what’s the big deal, blah blah blah”…
The other parents of younger kids in my life have opted against attachment parenting. Their kids are all doing very well. I think I would probably be a little less “SIGH!” about attachment parenting if not for the severe distress that my cousin’s behaviour inflicts on her son, and if the people who subscribe to the…
There are only two little boys in my life (compared to five little girls—I have a very small social circle, and it’s almost all childfree/less). My best friend and her husband have a little boy who is 8. He has ADHD and he’s had problems with violence. They have had a drastically different approach to raising their…
The “mummy’s gonna leave” line, after making mummy the very centre of this little boy’s life literally so far above and beyond everyone else in his life... it’s just cruel.
One of my cousins is big on attachment parenting. She has a six year old daughter and a three year old son. Her son has developed some violent impulses—biting her, hitting her, even choking her. For the last few months, when he acts violently, she has responded by stomping away from him, demanding that he get away…
It’s looking more and more, thanks to medical research, that there is literally nothing wrong with me that I haven’t inherited. So, basically, as a zygote I guess I should have known better than to keep on keepin’ on.
I’m in the greys so I’m glad I didn’t have to scroll down for years to make sure somebody posted Lindsay’s video! Yay!
I also find it fascinating that the one (and only, if I recall correctly) time Zeus fancied a dude, he kidnapped the guy and took him to Mount Olympus to be his cup-bearer.
I’m playing DA:I again right now, after replaying DA2. And while there are a lot of “there’s a treasure to be found here!” sidequests, there are a number of sidequest storylines that... are actually storylines. They tie together from the Hinterlands to the Exalted Plains to the Emerald Graves to Emprise du Lion to the…
So if you wouldn’t be comfortable with your daughter sharing a bathroom with this individual:
Wildly switching gears into complete sincerity: I am so sorry about Caillou.
I’m sad that you can’t read my accent on the Internets, friend. :( So, so sad.
No, no, we’re good. Thanks, though.
I will be 35 in just over a month.