Oh, I wish I could take credit for “freeze peach”. Alas, I cannot. I can’t even remember where I was the first time I read it, but I’ve seen it all over the place now. Take it! Use it! Let it spread! It’s hilarious.
Oh, I wish I could take credit for “freeze peach”. Alas, I cannot. I can’t even remember where I was the first time I read it, but I’ve seen it all over the place now. Take it! Use it! Let it spread! It’s hilarious.
I wonder what the Venn diagram looks like re: people who shriek and howl about their freeze peach and the people who shriek and howl about actors/comedians/musicians/writers having and expressing political opinions?
I’m not alone!
So, so many attidues and pre-conceived notions changed once there were people in my life who are teachers and school admin. My God, how wrong I was about so many things and how much more I sympathise with them and realise how much they go through and how much the teachers, in particular, actually work.
The popular vs electoral vote thing, the “but California and New York would decide everything!” thing, is so bizarre from an outsider perspective. Especially as a Canadian, since the vast majority of our population doesn’t live in the middle of our country, either. However, I have to admit that it’s also all very…
I’m Canadian. The idea of Queen Elizabeth having to meet with Trump and play nice just... just... it’s one of those things that I feel on a visceral level and I can’t quite articulate, it bothers me so much, but it bothers me so much. Much more so than PM Trudeau having to play nice.
Provided we can keep our own crazy-assed Trump-like right-wingers out of power. I mean, we’re either gonna get nuked or play the role of Poland on the new world stage... or we’re gonna end up going down the same path of the US if we’re too complacent and people are too pissed off at Prime Minister Trudeau.
Oh, thank you so much for sharing that with me. It’s wonderful.
Why did I venture into the comments why did I venture into the comments why did I
This tweet is not untrue.
REBELS. God, I love that show. And season 1 (the 2014-2015 season), 14 20-ish-minute episodes, is $30 on Amazon Canada on DVD. The Blu Ray (and let’s be honest; the animation quality is worth that HD!) is $35.
WHAT?! Did you demand an explanation? Did they provide reasoning for that opinion? I’M SO CONFUSED.
How have these people never truly looked at the fact that diagnostic criteria for autism has broadened significantly in the past... I’m not sure how long, few years, decade? I mean, previously, you basically had to be non-verbal.
He’s incapable of doing anything but boast about/praise himself, and insult and demean others. I don’t know how one person can live like that and, I don’t know, not have ulcers.
I find it fascinating but baffling how people reacted to this. There’s tons, tons, TONS, of images of people making beautiful notes and illustrations in their Bibles on Pinterest.
I always sorta thought that the point of the United States was that “America has no king. America needs no king.” Does someone need to hire Sean Bean to say that on camera?
If he does (sigh), I hope he demands to get paid up front. Trump loves not paying people.
As a non-American, I’m thinking “post-fact crowd” = “white people”, honestly. :-/
SERIOUSLY. Seriously. I figured I’d watched doctored footage somehow when I saw the video and couldn’t understand why it was being treated like the bloody apocalypse...
I’m just so glad you mentioned this. It’s so important to his image as an asshole, which I will always hold.