
Oh my WORD.

Is that Sebastian Stan? What is he wearing? Whatever is this from?! I must know, please, and thank you.

Iron lungs? I have a conspiracy theory. Pass it on:

I can’t explain why, but the simple fact that you put “pink” in front of “gluehole” in your post made me just shudder in horror and revulsion. “Gluehole” on its own was fine. I think possibly almost any other colour... no, no. All other colours would have been bad, but pink, in particular, just...

Dear Mr Valls,

Hey, man, Steve loves his pet tarantuala, Mr Fluffy, OKAY?! Leave Steve alone!

And the babiezzz they have will be Precious Angels From God (tm), sent by Him to teach them Valuable Lessons (tm)!

My grandma, who turned 90 this year, was one of 14 kids. Six of them lived to adulthood.

I will admit to some anti-organised-religion bias on my part, but how better for those in power in a religious regime to control their flocks, than to take away/smother their ability to learn and think for themselves?

You can ask me! I’ll take your picture for you!

I think you might be well served to look back through at least one other thread on this post. Those are very good examples of why these social media celebs shilling snake oil is very different than the judges on AI drinking Coke, or the characters on [some show] using [a branded electronic].

The thing is, Westeros is exceptionally misogynistic and it’s constantly highlighted as this is not a good thing. And then the female characters Martin has created are complex, none of them are exactly alike, and he shows all the different ways that they do navigate it.

If you’re suffering, maybe you should stop watching them? You know, when I’m watching a show and I stop enjoying it—or, I start “suffering” through it—I stop watching that show. I think you can do the same thing with movies! :D

To some, Paul Haggis is the director of Crash. To me, he will always be the man who was behind a Canadian motherfuckin’ CLASSIC. Due South. A heartwarming 1990s show about a wolf-husky hybrid and his gay dads.

I appreciate that I can let go of the pain I’ve been carrying around, since coercion not a problem—only violent assault. I can rest much better now, because I guess I prevented a crime, knowing that even though I didn’t want to have sex, and given the size disparity between him and me and being told that he was going

My GOD I never even considered the idea of a male first lady. THE HORROR. THE HORROR.

That kind of nap would even be worse the cat-dander induced itching sneezing!

Phew. You’re a saint. :)

Aw... I appreciate that. But it’s really hot in my house right now—instead of the body pillow, can I have an ice pack? Pweeeeaaaase?

GRRRRR. It sure as hell reads that way from the outside going in.