
You don’t get it! If a woman is president for four years, little boys will FORGET/NEVER KNOW that there were males as president! They won’t know it’s a thing they could do! The highest they could EVER attain to is, like, senator or some shit! So it’s REALLY IMPORTANT than when talking about Mrs Clinton as,

I’ve never responded to the voting independent or not voting at all people—because, well, not my country. But I’d be so concerned that every vote elsewhere would put Trump ahead of Hillary. There are potentially severe consequences to a Trump presidency, and it seems not enough people are talking about it.

And yet Gadot is a waif compared to Carter, apparently.

And let’s just go ahead and put Gal Gadot here, too, to complement your picture of Lynda Carter. I’m not saying Gadot is twice Carter’s size here, but...

Tony Stark is 6'1" and Robert Downey Jr is 5'9" on a tall hair day.

If I went to your house and told you—at length—how you and your family are subhuman because of the colour of your skin, would you think, “Ashinae has the right to say these awful things so I’m not going to kick her out?” I mean, I wouldn’t be dangerous, just hateful.

Companion? No, no, Mrs O deserves the honour of being a Time Lady. Can we start that rumour? Can we say that prior to the 2008 speech in question, Michelle Obama hopped in her TARDIS and travelled in time to watch enough of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (premiered in 2010) to plagiarise Twilight Sparkle? I want

That was so cute that it actually hurt. In that “Oh, my heart!” kind of way, with the “aww” and the hand-over-heart sort of thing. <3

Peter Jackson only made The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I remember there was lots of chatter about The Hobbit and making it a trilogy and casting Richard Armitage as Thorin and there might hae been some early pictures released of him looking exactly how I always pictured my dear sweet Gimli... and they might have said

You left The Birdcage off your list and therefore it is incomplete.

I will admit that I don’t know more about the issue with the young lady in this particular post. What you’re saying may very well be the case. I unfortunately did what a lot of people do in comments in articles: write broadly about the issues the post pertain to, rather than directly address the specifics.

Oh my sweet heavens grown ups need to tone it down with the teenagers. I absolutely believe teens need to be engaged and challenged regarding problematic beliefs—like I said, we learn a lot of that shit at home and can’t learn if we don’t have interaction with the better beliefs. But we learn NOTHING if people yell at

And let’s not forget some “big-name” classic movies that are remakes, like An Affair to Remember, The Magnificent Seven, A Fistful of Dollars, The Jazz Singer, King Solomon’s Mines, Silk Stockings, the 1966 Stagecoach starring Ann-Margaret; A Star Is Born, State Fair, The Swan, THE TEN fucking COMMANDMENTS (yeah, the

Why did The Magnificent Seven need to get remade? Who asked for it? Who wanted it? Why aren’t people more angry about it—The Magnificent Seven is a properly classic movie. And, like, there are POC in it. And a gay dude. He’s probably not playing gay, but whatever. POC and gays! Remaking an Oscar-nominated movie! WAKE

I’ve been agonising over something that transpired yesterday, that is an interpersonal problem where bigotry or any kind of -ism doesn’t even play into it. Like, this is sleepless-night-my-friend-is-upset-with-me level shit.

If it’s JUST FINE to execute someone well after the fact because they have a criminal record (and for which they’ve probably already served their sentence, whatever it might have been), then why don’t these same people lobby the American government to just execute all anyone convicted of a crime, upon conviction?

Given that people always crawl out of the woodwork to bring up the criminal records and suspicion of criminal activity of the individuals murdered like police this way, I’m surprised that these same folks aren’t actively lobbying to have all criminals immediately executed upon conviction. It’d surely stop this sort of

One of the things I find hilarious about the Asha/Yara thing is that they said it was to avoid Asha/Osha confusion... but Yara has all the same letters as Arya and I KNOW they don’t rhyme and all, but... when I say them out loud to myself, Arya and Yara don’t really end up being all that different.


I’m a supposed grown-ass woman in my mid-30s, and every now and then I still get nervous when I go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and the shower curtain is drawn closed. Reading that someone else does a “sanity check” makes me feel, well, saner. :)