
He’s so damn hot that sometimes it hurts to look at him.

Maybe one day, I will be out of the greys here, but even if I’m not, I think it’s time for me to start posting something every single time trans people and bathrooms get brought up. So, here we go.

It’s weird to say, but I hope you’re right. I just don’t quite have enough faith in humanity to not believe that otherwise reasonable people will just start saying, “But these have all been hoaxes anyway.”

And so many stories like this end up being revealed to be false, if/when something truly bad happens, nobody’s going to believe it, no matter the actual evidence. People have gotta stop crying wolf re: homophobia in/from the service industry.

It sort of seems it was on his list of complaints, yeah. And just too much interference with the movies following Iron Man 3 and leading up to Civil War. Too much interference, much or all of it stemming from Ike Perlmutter, so Feige went to Disney.

Oh, phew. I won’t know what to do with my entire worldview if Avenue Q is ever proved wrong.

This is an extremely helpful Coles Notes version of all this... this... that stuff up there. *gestures vaguely at article*

I was very recently reminded that Troy’s screenplay was by David Benioff—one of the men behind Game of Thrones. For the first few seasons, despite some changes, Thrones was a fairly faithful adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire. But as the show decided to basically never go into the backstory or prophecies until very

He was so damn perfect. I mean, Sean Bean is always kind of a delight on screen, but he was just so wonderful in that part. Odysseus was the smartest dude involved in that whole Trojan War debacle, so Bean rolling his eyes and talking as if he was surrounded by complete morons all the time was 100% in-character.

Okay, I can see that this is something you are very concerned about—or you’re trolling. Whichever. But in case you are really, genuinely concerned about this issue, and about seeing men in the women’s room, there’s something you need to mull over. If you say that someone has to use the facilities of the sex they were

Ah—and there’s the thing of it. All these boogeymen pervs who, according to these transphobic assholes, would be all like, “No, no, I’m a woman in a man’s body!” can just turn around and instead say, “Oh,I was BORN a woman” to gain access to women and girls’ locker rooms/bathrooms.

YES! She is wonderful. Positive reinforcement all the way.

Oh what the fucking fuck is that kind of fuckery? Goddammit, white people...

I recently came across the term “Toxic Ally Syndrome”, via Jim C Hines’s blog: someone who is “so determined to be an ‘ally’ of Group X that [they] ignore or argue with members of Group X because [they] know best. This is often followed by choruses of, ‘Why are you getting angry at me? I’m your ally! Fine, if you’re

They don’t know it, and the worst of it is, they don’t listen to the people who do. Since, clearly, lots of people who were alive in the forties and fifties are still alive! One of my cousins is an anti-vaxxer, and my parents were alive, our other close aunt and uncle, and our last living grandparent were all around

I said this in the Gizmodo article about the HPV vaccine, but I think it just bears stressing based on your friend’s news: just because people so righteously guard their daughters’ “purity” doesn’t mean she isn’t at risk. It takes two individuals (or, hey, more!) to spread STIs.


If Dude A saw Dude B walking down the street dressed in full basketball player gear, even if B had a basketball under their arm, and A grabbed him off the street, dragged him to a court, and then repeatedly threw a basketball at B until he agreed to play...

Clearly I’ve been online for way too long now.

I look great in a fedora and everyone else has ruined it.