Oh God please help me because I’m not surprised to read that there is hentai with shitting dick nipples
Oh God please help me because I’m not surprised to read that there is hentai with shitting dick nipples
Ah, interesting, interesting. Good to know.
And his linkedin is already gone. Hmm. I suppose the overgrown manchild doesn’t want anyone harassing him/contacting his employer because, IDK, privacy or some bullshit. Can dish it out, can’t take it, etc.
Does this mean I’m no longer in charge of The Great Bathrooming of ‘16?
WHICH I DID. It was 2:00am.
Ooh, that’s an excellent point. They should probably have separate bathrooms or something (she said, tongue planted FIRMLY in cheek). We need to keep everyone from being anywhere near genitals that don’t match their own AND from being anywhere near someone who might be sexually attracted to them. It’s best if we…
I’m Canadian. I find all of this baffling. Canadian voting regulations dictate that you must show ID when you vote. You can use a driver’s license, your provincial/territorial ID card, or any other government-issued ID with your photo. OR, you can use any two of a very large list of other forms of identification, but…
Yeah, I’m just kind of wondering where the line is for destruction of someone else’s property when they’re invading your space/irritating you. Apparently, a smartphone worth a few hundred dollars is okay. So I wonder if the next time my asshole neighbour turns on his car at 2:00 am and turns on his radio so loud that h…
I don’t know why assholes can’t seem to grasp this very simple concept. Oh—probably because they’re assholes. My bad.
Well of course it does! It’s a rabbit the size of a Sheltie, and any sensible Sheltie knows that rabbits aren’t supposed to be as big as they are.
Maybe it’s a Sheltie...? You know what, I’m calling it a Sheltie. It’s not a Lassie-sized Collie, it’s a Sheltie, and no one will convince/tell me otherwise because I’ll end up suffering a blue screen of death or something and spend the rest of my days sitting and staring into space.
I’m a local of where this happened. I don’t know about other Olympic parks (and I’m gonna outright admit I’m too lazy to start googling, plus I have stuff to do) but Calgary Olympic Park at least hasn’t been left to collect dust, which is nice. It’s been getting use, so it wasn’t a waste for the city, and people get…
Ha ha, unless he’s lying, he’s 23. I think you’re okay. :)
Ack, it’s huge, and did Kinja dump that little downward arrow thing that gives us comment options? What if we need to flag/dismiss someone? What if I need to try to edit my damn comment?!
Well, Ollivander says my wand (11", maple) contains lion’s mane, but mostly it just makes me and the women in my life do all the work while the dudes laze about in the sun, yawn a lot, and make white people in jeeps gawk at them.
Not the only one at ALL. 1555 works at AO3!