Dude. He really does look like a Khajiit like that. Okay, I could use some moon sugar for totally legitimate purposes, and a few empty soul gems. I have this Daedric Sword of the Inferno to trade and—
Dude. He really does look like a Khajiit like that. Okay, I could use some moon sugar for totally legitimate purposes, and a few empty soul gems. I have this Daedric Sword of the Inferno to trade and—
This really deserved to be brought out of the black. Poor you, and your poor parents. :( These kinds of stories—the kind of harm we actively do to others when we try to police their actions and choices when they aren’t harming themselves and others—need to be read and heard.
Please tell me your friend at least yelled at those people until they cried or something. My God. They murdered her pets.
Hopefully one day someone introduces that asshole to a lion.
Seriously! I had a terrible allergic reaction to Burt’s Bees. Clearly, in discontinuing use, trying something else, and moving on with my life, I did something wrong. </sarcasm
With the disclaimer that opinions are subjective, I’ll be that guy and drop a list, and, hey, if you don’t think any of them are better than the originals, that’s fair. But:
Do these jackasses think A Handmaid’s Tale was a how-to guide rather than a cautionary tale?
I’m getting to a mean, nasty point in my life where I want to troll articles about tanning and tanning beds, and any articles of people who are tanned, and treat them the way people treat articles about weight and fat people.
That is inexcusable. Ugh! That sucks so much. Do you want me to leave a bag of dog poo on their doorstep? I have a dog.
You are absolutely not alone on this. I don’t get it. Like, if they want to show that armed people can stop a gunman, how will cardboard
guns do anything, fake blood or not? How would anyone really know that the armed civilians took out the gunman?
One of my closest friends was a drama major. In university—in the very early 2000s, too—and in rehearsal for a production, one of the male actors slapped her when they were just talking about the text. Nobody batted an eyelash or called him on it, basically excusing it as something to do with the character he was…
Please take care of you and I hope you feel better soon. If I had the means, I would send you a care package full of the adorable baby animal of your choice.
Asking and/or telling people not to be assholes is the hallmark of every fascist government.
You go wash your mouth out with soap right now!
“... even if pennies were minted by something more representative of their true value, like plastic, or lint...”
Hush, now. Do not make me go back through your kinja profile to find all the wonderful, brilliant, funny things you have said. :)
Aw, thank you! I’m outdoing my normal levels of dorkitude, because you have no idea how loud I squeaked in delight when I saw that you had left me an applause gif. :)