
I feel like I might need to start putting this out there, because thanks to the nature of the Internet, things get forgotten as they get remembered. Godwin’s is no different, and I’d like people to be able to go about stuff with confidence! Here’s the text of Godwin’s Law:

You are the hero we want, and the hero we need. Thank you.

Seeing all of the pomp, circumstance, posturing, yelling, and “othering” that Trump has been doing, I’ve spent a long time sitting on my hands to keep myself from typing out the words: Wow, Trump’s taking hints out of Hitler’s rulebook.

When it comes to the lack of family leave, the issues with healthcare, the issues with the middle class, and people saying that if you can’t “afford” kids, don’t have them, I have to wonder: when the middle class is gone, and the poors don’t have kids, what happens when the disposable people/wage slaves die off?

I’ve decided Natalie Dormer isn’t actually an ordinary mortal. How could she be?

Thank you for the links. (Why is it difficult to not sound dismissive in text when saying a simple “thank you”? I’m not being dismissive.)

Hey, man, you do you, right? :) BUT—I think maybe it needs to be pointed out—in this particular case, this woman wasn’t arrested for just saying ‘ugh, I hate Islam, it’s evil’ but rather, she announced that “muslins [sic]” aren’t welcome in her business. That sort of discrimination is illegal in England, so it was

Mostly because the various countries in the world have laws and procedures that are different than America’s, up to and including how hate speech is dealt with. Much of the rest of the world doesn’t have the seemingly blanket “free speech” stuff that the US does.

I like the gent in the reddish shirt, with the goatee, on the left-hand side. He just looks so puzzled.

Before I gained 40 pounds, I used to get sexually harassed. It started when I was 12. Sexual harassment is sexual harassment and it is awful. Being overlooked by random dudes for being overweight is a lot better than the sexual harassment, because when someone actually wants to talk to me, they actually want to talk

I just want to say... yes. Yes to everything you say here, yes to the struggle with meds, yes to the struggle with the disease, yes to the fuck the righteouser-than-thou types.

Ha! It kind of is, isn’t it?

You’re not! I’m excited as hell! ... and can’t play it because I’m still previous gen. Sigh. But I’m excited about it. I love Inquisition, and I’m not afraid to say that. And in the greys over here, so this is on the scale of “the lurkers support me in e-mail!” Heh.

If your special ~*~morals~*~ are preventing you from doing your job, find a new bloody job. I don’t see how that is difficult. Shit changes. Incompetence is one thing, but refusal to comply is another entirely. Duties in jobs change; if you can’t cope or keep up or learn the new stuff, you either leave, or your

Oh thank goodness! And thank you. :)

... suddenly I want to watch Attack on Titan again.

Thank you. The binge-eating is awful and I hate it—it is very shameful for me, too, in the sense that, yeah, I’m ashamed of it.

First, it’s wonderful that you’ve been able to incorporate cooking into your recovery. I think that’s amazing. Second, the social gatherings almost always having to do with food is so, so tough. I still have massive anxiety over that, myself.

AGGHHH no bad counselor bad! But it’s all too common from so, so many physical and mental health professionals and it’s so frustrating. It has taken me so very, very long to get anyone to listen to me that the weight is a symptom, not the cause. Sigh.

Ah, the food hiding. I know that one intimately.