
This is almost as bad as when I had my pooch embalmed and mounted in my den and the plaque read Mr Bojankles but there’s nothing a sharpie can’t fix

trust me, there are way worse ways to misspell his name.

Ooh, look at the big shot over here who had arms and legs! La-dee-friggin’-da! We held the bat in our teeth and rolled around the bases!

I think you missed the point of my post. Try re-reading it.

...and requests made to someone named “Eric B” to “look up her background history see how broke this girl is.”

What idiot called it Jalen wanting to leave the Jaguars and not Ramsey Boltin’?

I’m starting to think there’s something wrong with this guy. 

In his defense, he was told that, after the season, there’s a chance he could go back to the minors.

I hope his accuracy was better than 46%.

Steelers fans like him again now

Replace the deviants in the stands with standard deviations. Wordplay!

The Gardner is here to trim your bush, ma’am.

You stare for exactly 3.5 seconds, and slowly walk away.

Are you eight years old? 

First I go home and make love to YOUR wife 

Bruce, you’re out of here!

This is why I ref 10 and under at my local Y. Ejections. Nothing, absolutely nothing, feels like ejecting the little punk when he looks at you wrong. Raise an eyebrow, you’re gone son. Dad screaming bloody murder from the sideline, take a walk kid. Someone has got to teach these kids a lesson. Sometimes life is cruel,

I’ve always thought “peckerwood” packed a nice punch.

I interpret that as more “say whatever you want about politics around the event, just do it AFTER you praise the guys who actually died in the attack” more than “CONNECT THIS TO CLINTON!!!”.

That thing is rad. Way cooler than the chocolate-eating mouse that was in my apartment Friday night and in the dumpster Saturday night. Spotted him as I was getting ready for bed, investigated, and found out he’d chewed in to a package of lindt truffles and eaten half of one. Those are my sea salt truffles, you