
The fuck is up with that headline?

You can use data and science. I’m going to use my illusion.

It’s strange how Sony’s press release has no mention of the words “sucks” and “shit” and “garbage.” You know, Facebook technical terminology.

Well, now only one Gruden is associated with being a redskin. Bummer...

“I didn’t read the article, but imma comment anyway

Not the folks at SI. Hey-ooo!

Just saying “it’s a business” when someone/some corporation does something shitty doesn’t absolve the person/corporation.

Specimen, indeed!

Harden’s just worried China will start pulling passports, which would be a huge bummer for him because he really likes to travel.

The ‘Skins didn’t force him to come in early because they are dicks, it was just that they had such good news to share with him that they couldn’t stand it any longer and just had to tell him.

Sounds like a pretty good way to start the week.

Zimmer is pure trash as a couch and human.

The hole from which the deuce drops is not worthy of praise.

Actually Ramsey didn’t. The Lyin’ media would have you think he did, but actually he did not! In fact, lots of people, and I know smart people. Tough people too. Some of the tou-some of the smartest people I know. Smart people, tough as nails. You don’t jus-You don’t just want a tough guy you know? They gotta be smart

This game wasn't on my radar at all but ugh I love anime bullshit games and dark souls type games so I guess I have to get this now...

If the NFL has paternity leave I can’t imagine how any games get played.

I think the frequency is quite important - we should be flinging sports radio into volcanoes very frequently, not less.

After 3 weeks, Melvin Gordon tired of being a Sans Dinero Charger.

I agree, it’s high time we got to the bottom of this magic business. I wanna know how they manage to hide my card in my ear, I’ve checked and it’s physically impossible.

The Orlando Magic? Really?? How about the NBA does the right thing for once and investigate Hillary’s Goddamn Email Server. Seriously