
But how did she...

they tried to track where the lsd came from, but they ended up tracking gentrification instead. 

Damn, harsh. I guess now we know what really happens when people stop being polite and start getting synthetic.

I went to an outdoor concert once in extreme summer heat, and I got dosed, presumably by one of the several people “helpfully” spraying water on fellow concertgoers to cool us down.

Assuming he got the lasagna in the kitchen... then he’s taking it somewhere to eat which is not the kitchen. There’s two potential options here:

You think we’re tracking Alex Len in warmups but we’re really tracking gentrification.

I’m kinda surprised the Packers players feel so comfortable letting loose around the team owners.

It’s the one that can fully open their throat and swallow no gagging, correct?

Everyone welcome Tony Romo to Deadspin!

Or Frank Costanza’s Serenity Prayer, Part II: “Serenity Now!”

Cal was and remains a serial signer

Today in “human beings perplexingly defending other human beings that were being assholes” ...

How can he be older than his aunt?

I watched the last episode only and was disappointed to see that the dragon was not about fighting at all. I would have liked to see the dragon kill the long haired dude and then roll credits 

You have no idea what you’re talking about, Barry!

Winner of “Best Game” Award has to go to Bronn. This is a man that started out as nothing but a commoner. He was a sell sword. A nobody. When the game is over, he’s sitting on HighGarden, one of the best castles in all of Westeros, and is Master of Coin on the King’s Council. And all of that without having to fight

I’m an only child so I don’t know, but may I assume that it is accurate that even when you’re being made king you can count on your big sister to tell everyone in the room how your balls don’t work?

Only if the person who kills her pet is an iron born who just happens to look exactly like Theon.

bahahahahahahahahaha do another one.