Fisticuffs is a good one, too.
Fisticuffs is a good one, too.
Donnybrook remains undefeated as the most underutilized word in the English language.
Some guy is justifying his $85,000/yr paycheck. Rubber stamping any/all camera violations in his inbox, and letting the court magistrates and public sort it out later.
It’s hard to believe, but it’s true—Donald Trump has only been President of the United States for 13 years. The time…
I don’t really have a joke, just want to say as one of the people delayed hours that day: fuck you, TJ
Get out.
That’s what bums me out. He’s hilarious in just about every role I’ve ever seen him in, and I enjoy him on interviews/podcasts. I just wish he’d figure it out on the personal side of things.
Calling in a bomb threat on a train because some lady didn’t want to put up with your drunken antics? That’s a real... loco motive.
Ford uses these plates so they can easily flip the promo images for LHD/RHD markets. It’s something that’s not strictly needed with the ease of modern photoshopping, but they have carried on with it.
Sounds like my first date.
I dont know. Normally Im turned off by a guy showboating and hotdogging on the court but there is just something about this guy that seems “different” from most of the “flashy” guys. I mean, usually when I see a player get all “uppity” (in the air of course) the first word that pops in my head is “typical” but this…
I watched that video with the sound off, but just based on that, I’m gonna’ go ahead and predict that this dude will eventually be known as “Basketball’s Johnny Manziel.”
Hot take- in a reasonable world Ray Lewis would keep his mouth shut when it came to issues of morality and comportment.
Yeah, I have no idea what an 80 dollar shirt has to do with a minimalist lifestyle. I read Marie Kondo’s book and she’s all about repurposing stuff you already have rather than buying anything, much less new clothes. I KonMari’ed my clothes, and if anything, it made me less likely to buy something. I used to fumble…
I want to tell some of my minimalist friends that, “Hey, your only hobby is Netflix,” when they chime in about my stuff.
If you have hobbies, like REAL hobbies, beyond saying “I’m a foodie” then you have to own stuff. If you like to work on your car, your motorcycle, your bicycles, and still keep up with your painting…
you had me until “limousine liberals”, and also from my own experience growing up poor in a home of hoarders. So my life experience is the exact opposite of yours, but I don’t blame any of the misunderstanding on some political 1 liner. People are all different.
I’m glad he underlined it, so we’d know it’s important.