God, I knew I’d see this meme. +1
God, I knew I’d see this meme. +1
You magnificent bastard. +1
It’s always funny when non-lawyers weigh in.
His dad, Clay Bellinger, wore #35 for almost his entire career, except in 2001 when he let some guy named Mussina have it.
Dude, if there is any country you can visit as a black guy with dreads and not get shit on, Japan is it. The Japanese are super polite (that omotenashi concept discussed in the article) and while you might get some stares here and there, that’s it. The police and citizens won’t hassle you, and depending on where you…
I wish you were right, but unless the economy takes a shit within the next 18 months, he’s re-elected in a landslide. His base loves his antics - they think it’s funny or correct. The people who hate him weren’t going to vote for him anyway. The people in the middle - they’ll go with the status quo if they think…
Yeah, the expansion of the power of the executive branch is the real heart of the problem which defeats the whole checks and balances. Unfortunately, the executive branch will only grow more powerful as neither party will ever limit the powers of the executive when they have a chance to do so.
Nice review, though the dragon who died this episode was Rhaegal, not Viserion?
Man, the Democratic Party is dong everything they can to get Trump re-elected. At this point, I’ll have to pray Trump’s mid-stage dementia advances quickly enough where he’ll be replaced within the next year.
I felt the same way, thinking for years he was just lucky. Getting to the playoffs with this squad, yeah, he’s a legit great coach.
That’s too bad - the movies in the 40s were great - Grapes of Wrath, the Great Dictator, Citizen Kane, Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, Best Years of Our LIves, It’s a Wonderful Life... that’s just off the top of my head... perhaps another time.
But I really enjoyed this review only because of how much I enjoyed the movie -…
Before the 2022 rebuild, this team will worry me down the stretch in 2020 and 2021, but the Dodgers will ultimately prevail, only to crush my heart yet again in the playoffs.
I am dreading baseball season.
If any of the charges in the California indictment are even remotely true, he’ll soon be a former California lawyer. The California State Bar will allow and keep all sorts of interesting criminals into their ranks (as long as they disclose it in advance) but as soon as you fuck with your client’s money, the hammer…
This was exactly my thought, especially with all the “leaks” when he was first charged.
Nope, just $10,000.
For $70 million, I doubt they cared about the grades or test scores.
You obviously don’t know Cal. The athletic department might try to hide, but the people on the academic side will call for blood if these accusations are true (and sometimes even if they aren’t). The academic side of Cal has always been uncomfortable and sometimes hostile to having to also accommodate…
Change the laws so student loans can be discharged in bankruptcy. Those loan companies and banks will become really reasonable, really fast, and probably will stop giving out such stupid loans in the first place. Without that source of easy to get and impossible to get rid of student loans (shit, sounds like herpes),…
That’s odd, since Markazi’s entire journalistic career began due to these ties with USC.
As much as I hate Bonds, he was pretty fucking amazing before the steroids. Pre-2004, he was the complete package. Trout is just as amazing.