Ascendo Tuum

The fact is, Charles never should have married Diana in the first place. They barely knew each other and he was in love with another woman. That Elizabeth undoubtedly insisted that Camilla was an “improper” choice probably has fueled a lot of his current anger-- “I did the ‘right’ thing and you let that moron do as he

It’s time to forgive Charles for his love for a woman his mother wouldn’t let him marry. We all loved Diana, but that relationship they were both forced into was destined to be a failure from the start. The real villain is not Charles, it’s the people who decided that they could impose an arranged royal marriage and

GUUUUUUH I’m so tired of answering this question. The sources are not hard to find if you look.

Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.

This reminds me of when Nicholas Sparks said he doesn’t write romance novels and that he was actually the natural successor to Hemingway, Shakespeare, and Euripides. (I’m 100% serious about this.)

asdkfjdk my GOD woman, get your head out of your ass. Sarah, you write shitty teen romance YA, you’re not out here writing the next Booker Prize novel. Of course a college junior, who is presumably in her twenties and you know, at university to challenge herself academically, wants to read something with more

Unfortunately, given the support she was getting from the caucus and even a few Republicans, this almost certainly means that the allegation that she paid one of the affair partners a bonus was accurate.

We were without a baseball team entirely for thirty-three years, until 2005, when the Montreal Expos, financially strapped, moved to town.”


Hey, I was in Baltimore earlier this year and went to a game at Camden Yards. And there was definitely, in fact, a Major League team there using it.

Camden Yards is beautiful.  It’s a shame there’s no major league team to use it. 

This is a bad take. The Cubs bandwagon is can’t hold a candle to how shitty Boston and their fans are.

Going to a Nationals game is like going to the Epcot version of a baseball game. Why go to every stadium in the league when you can just go to a Nationals game? Before the game enjoy some food from the top vendors of Citi Field. Then get to your seat in time to use the Baltimore Orioles national anthem tradition.

also huge LOL at “Angelos struck a deal”

Some thoughts:

Since the Warriors are trash thanks to their crappy drafting the past few years and have ditched their roots in Oakland, I don’t have much to say about them getting their butts kicked.

So my comment is this: what’s up with the video quality/tone/framerate? It looks like footage from a rock band bio-doc from the 1970s.

So I am speaking from long experience when I say that the Washington bandwagon is very likely to be the most insufferable one ever to come rolling down the pike.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”