Brilliant. Just brilliant. You don’t have to buy her shit. There is nothing wrong in taking money from stupid people.
Brilliant. Just brilliant. You don’t have to buy her shit. There is nothing wrong in taking money from stupid people.
So...I never understood white people and their problems with ear wax, though it wasn’t until college before I found out that East Asians such as myself had dry ear wax while just about everyone else had wet ear wax.
Anyway, just my suggestion: use this tool or a cheaper version to gently scrape the sides of the the…
I had to google this because I was going to call BS, no way he could be that self-important, but holy fuck.
Looking forward to bailing out Ford and GM in 8 years. Fucking clockwork with these clowns. We bail them out and the same idiot executives and owners make the same stupid decisions that cost them in the long run.
I wonder whether they blew the car horn as they lifted into the sky...
Kershaw has just been criminally mismanaged in the playoffs. Back when Mattingly was the manager, the bullpen was shit and Kershaw was always left in one inning longer than he should have. Now, Roberts brings him in for situations where Kershaw can only fail.
Had Bruce Bochy managed the Dodgers the last 7 years, the 7…
Brian Stow made the stupid decision of arguing with two large drunk tattooed Mexicans. Doesn’t matter if it was a Dodger game or not. Just don’t argue with two large drunk tattooed Mexicans. Bay Area people won’t know that, seeing how they chased out all the minorities with gentrification.
As much as I hate the Giants, had Bruce Bochy managed the Dodgers the last 7 seasons, those 7 playoff appearances would have been 7 World Series titles.
Kershaw is always criminally mismanaged in the playoffs. Bochy always put his players in the best situation to succeed and win the game.
From what I understand, SI has about 160 employees and about 40 were laid off, so they are not subject to either the Federal WARN Act or the New York WARN Act.
Per Federal law, the cutoff is 50 employees before you start asking more questions. If they did lay off more than 50 people, then the WARN Act would be…
Because none of us can figure out how they inexplicably won it all in 2008 and 2012.
They’re Pac-12 refs. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt - they just didn’t see a penalty unless it’s pass interference.
Yeah, Raiders didn’t have to pay anything and lost their 2019 3rd and 5th round draft picks to the Steelers. AB is taking what is basically a $500,000 paycut for the season.
Honestly didn’t expect this to happen until Tuesday.
Exactly my first thought this morning. 50 TD catches from Brady.
Yes, if it was an organization employee, then the organization could get pulled into this. As angry as they are, they’re targeting the deep pockets. Aside from getting fired (as well as vilified in the press), the underling will be fine.
So for these cases, you usually over-charge a person since in most states, you have to lay out all the charges up front. You can’t just charge someone for one thing and try to convict them for another down the road.
Just imagine if you’re a pseudo-night’s watch dude cruising around a neighborhood in Florida and see a black kid in a hoodie. You confront him, get your ass beat, and eventually have to shoot the kid to protect yourself, even though you started the altercation despite being told to stay in the car. Now the prosecutor…
Am I the only one who sees the “LAC” abbreviation and get really confused for a moment, wondering why the Clippers are on the NFL feed?
If I recall correctly, Navarro was the one who made the major league club while Martin was sent to Vegas and after Navarro got hurt and was put on the DL, Martin was promoted and thrived while Navarro regressed, eventually getting traded away.
But yeah, that’s a pretty deep dive by a commentator. Usually, they just look…