Ascendo Tuum

I’m a Californian and Josh Brolin sounds pretty fucking Californian. Not all of us are from the Valley.

I’ve made it a point in life to never trust someone that doesn’t blink. It’s held true so far.  My wife and I were wondering about that voice as we watched the documentary last night.

It’s because the US does the same thing to the EU - they have to check in online with the ESTA.  If you ever get pissed off at how difficult it is to go to another country or how much a visa/entry fee costs, then don’t get mad at the other countries because they are likely just copying what the US is doing. It’s

Yeah, I can see that, but Lori Loughlin and her husband are worth over $100 million.  They can afford a library or two.

Yes, that is also very illegal.  This is going to provide years of entertainment, sparking joy to my middle class soul.

Mail fraud, racketeering, and if any of them deducted their bribe money as “donations” to the non-profit shell company from their taxes, then the IRS will come a-knockin’ soon.

Now playing

People knew that the rich bought their way into the elite schools; I think the shock is the use of a middleman, elaborate cheating schemes, and bribing what is effectively the “middle-management” at the colleges rather than just paying for a new library. After all, Yale could use an international airport.

Or how stupid was that kid that they had to pay 6 figures to get their kid into the University of San Diego?

The problem here is they paid money to a middleman who bribed the little people at the school.  Need to pay money to the school directly.  That’s the lesson to learn here.  And yeah, keep up that irrational anger at minorities.

The $100K didn’t go straight to the school.  Gotta cut out those middlemen.

I’m guessing you’re a bit young and missed out the teal-and-anything craze that hit, well, everywhere in the early 90s?

As a Laker fan, I’m guessing the only fix is a clean sweep and ownership change. This has been a shit-show since Dr. Buss died.

This really is the heart of the issue and Flint is just the tip of the iceberg - I would guess the water pipes of every city over 75 years old need to be replaced, and I doubt any politician has the will to lead the charge in fixing this.  

Ray Ratto was a longtime columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle’s Sporting Green and he apparently hasn’t changed the format of his articles in the last 25 years.

If it’s at Kaesong, the potemkin villages are already there.

My guess is that they’ll have high speed train connecting Seoul and Pyongyang which should only take 2 hours (they’re about 130 miles apart), with strict travel controls at the stations and absolutely no stops in-between.

Another option is Kaesong, the ancient capital which is just north of the border, or only 40

You pretty much hit it on the nail.  I’ve resigned myself to Trump’s re-election.

I’m stealing this for the future.  Probably the best way to illustrate the difference between Catholics and Protestants.

Unfortunately, they can’t play at Cal.  The City of Berkeley, among others, sued when Cal renovated their stadium, and as part of the settlement, Cal agreed to not host any NFL games.

You forget most politicians are either wealthy themselves or in the pockets of the wealthy, so they’ll give pithy comments that get lots of play on the 24 hours news cycle and social media, but little substance. So, in actual reality, they’re just looking after their own self-interest.

Ocasio-Cortez is among the few