Ascendo Tuum

Exactly this regarding income taxes. Also, rich people will use all sorts of chicanery to hide their income so they wouldn’t be subjected to a high income tax such as this, which was another reason why tax revenue falls when there is a high tax. People talk about that 90% income tax bracket but fail to mention there

I was at the game and watched all the action from the 50 yard line in all its glory. There were a few TCU fans in front of us and we couldn’t help but notice how the teams are mirror images of each other - great defenses, offenses on their 3rd/4th string QBs, and uneven special teams.

We also were calling the

It’s more likely they referred it to another agency - like the local cops or the Department of Justice directly. These sorts of crimes take forever to investigate and prosecute, and more often, they’re concerned with the people who produce the porn. I worked in the sex crimes division of a DA’s office in California

Amazing how a guy goes from the 7th starter to team ace.

Well, it’s pretty much a prequel of a Disney movie.  Curse of the Black Pearl was a Monkey Island script that was frankensteined into the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

De mortuis nihil nisi bonum. Catholic priests should study more Latin rather than cover for their pedophile counterparts.

The city of Berkeley will probably do everything they can to prevent any NFL games from taking place at Memorial Stadium, so that option can be kissed goodbye. By the time that litigation is resolved, it’ll be 2035 and just in time to temporarily host the Raiders when they somehow return to the Bay Area.

That stadium

I do a lot of legal work for pro sports teams. It’s an totally an intern, usually another department executive’s kid or nephew, under the supervision of someone who doesn’t give a shit as long as they don’t get into trouble.

Weird.  My first reaction to the news of these two marrying was that the white boy just hit the jackpot.  Never thought it would be considered the other way around.

Yeah, this is the first thing coming to mind.

My only encounter with TAMU fans was at the 2006 Holiday Bowl, where they pretty much made asses of themselves at the tailgates in the stadium parking lot, throwing stuff, talking shit, and doing weird group chants (which is sad when the people doing it are in their 50s). They loved talking shit about Cal being vegan

Never underestimate the intense pain wrought by The Patriot Way...

The dishwashing detergent you use can be the issue. Maybe 10 or so years ago, phosphates were removed from almost all detergents due to environmental issues (if it got into the lakes, rivers, etc, it promotes the growth of algae which is bad for fish and everyone else). Unfortunately, phosphates are really good at

Yeah, this USC team has to be the least disciplined and most self-centered in about 20 years. The offense and defense players were yelling at and bumping each other on the sideline the second half.

Despite Cal’s offensive ineptitude, I don’t think the players ever turned on each other and held it together for the win.

This needs more stars

Goddamnit. +1

The moral character portion of a bar application probably won’t stop her - you can murder someone and as long as you admit it in the moral character portion, with an explanation, you’re pretty much in. The only portions of the moral character the state bars look at are the more white collar crime issues - fraud,

Yeah, my first thought was Bay Area until they mentioned UCSD Medical. Then again, I’ve lived in places all over California, so I’m familiar with the geography more than most.

Frankly, I have issues with the click-bait headline too, but whatever.  

Because Mountain View is also the name of a neighborhood in San Diego?

I’ve always been partial to these gloves, but sometimes, they don’t fit.

I’ve always been partial to these gloves, but sometimes, they don’t fit.