Ascendo Tuum

This Dodger offense has feasted on shitty pitching and is very home run heavy. This is great to get to the playoffs, but against the superior pitching you encounter in the playoffs, it isn’t sustainable without a lot of luck. The Braves didn’t have the good pitching and the Dodgers wore out Milwaukee’s bullpen heavy

As dysfunctional as they are, the Lakers in their current iteration are good enough to make the playoffs and get killed in the first round, second round if they can hit more 3 pointers.

Anything more with this roster will be a pleasant surprise and not making the playoffs will be grounds for a collective freak out in

Unfortunately, the jackpot won’t be enough to get the necessary permits in LA to turn this property into a house/school for at risk children.

Yup. I’ve complained about Pac-12 refs for decades, and everyone outside of the conference called me a whiny bitch for it until this happened.

Always wet the beak of the shield.

There are none. That why I said they pushed for it and instead, the legislators did something different.  

Statutory rape is patriarchal bureaucratic moralistic nonsense, with a long history originating from holding women as property and not people (amazing idea, I know). For the United States, it’s an outgrowth of English Common Law, where in the 12th century or so, King (whoever at the time) made it illegal to have sex

Wow.  This is beyond just regular lolMets shit.

I can see him trying to evict the UN HQ out of New York...

Seriously. My grandfather had the same thing 15 years ago - the perforation will bleed like crazy, then clot up and stop, and the doctors can’t really find the perforation unless it is actively bleeding. All they could do is send my grandpa home and tell him to go straight to the hospital next time he had blood in his

Which explains how fucked up the world is.

Shit. Best case scenario, Gordon doesn’t work out like Ochocinco. Worst case scenario, second coming of Brady-Moss from the late 2000s

This needs more stars.  RIP Dr. Buss

I travel quite a bit to watch Cal (lose) and non-conference road games (outside of California) are tons of fun. Opposing fans are mostly awesome- every game I’ve been too, opposing fans toss us beers and offer food from their tailgates (UNC, Texas, Northwestern, Ohio State, Maryland, Minnesota, Tenneessee, Kansas

This especially - good luck assessing value on these “assets.”  Even worse, she’s probably going to make a lot of money in the next year or two as people play her music in remembrance of her.  This could get ugly.

Lawyers? Just wait until those bankers, accountants, real estate agents, and others take their cut for “assessing” the value of her estate. If the 4 heirs fight, that’s four sets of crooks.

Towel has been DFA’d

My wife and I are adopting a child now and despite being Korean-American and adopting a child from Korea, we still had to undergo 10 hours of training on transracial adoption, cultural sensitivity, race awareness, white privilege, etc. I wonder if this training requirement is new or if these parents just “forgot” all

It’s thoughts and prayers.  Hope and prayers don’t work, but thoughts and prayers are money.