Ascendo Tuum

This is horrible and I hope these two are punished to the full extent of the law.

But what does that have to do with a cop shoving his finger up someone’s asshole? Do you support shoving your finger up someone’s asshole, without gloves, and without probable cause? Do you go around shoving your fingers up people’s

They could put Turner at 2nd or even move him to 1st and put Bellinger in the outfield.

Putin is better off annexing Algeria.

What underlying assumption? I merely pointed out the demographics in the area. This incident took place right on the edge of a predominantly white area that has been slowly expanding outward.

The stratification of socio-economic and ethnic groups into own territories was a quirk of California (echoes of a virulently

It’s gentrification. California used to be very stratified as to which socio-economic/ethnic groups lived where and with gentrification and opportunities for upward social mobility, it’s all (quickly in some cities, very slowly in rural areas) blending together.

This part of Long Beach is near Long Beach State and as

Actually, without speed detection, we’re relying on the cop’s unimpeachable experience and expertise to eyeball someone speeding down the road.

I wonder if these particular cops even bother to flip a coin if the suspect wasn’t white.

Canadians put up a great fight in both World Wars, following the British orders, lining up and walking slowly across the front as cannon fodder.

I actually enjoyed the line.  The delivery and the rest of the movie around was complete shit.

Goddamn, this is why I love Deadspin.  This needs more stars.

Chicago has never bragged about how accommodating and friendly it is. Meanwhile, I hear so much shit about Southern Hospitality and considering my experience visiting the South (I’m Asian), the so-called “hospitality” is a huge misnomer.

I’m guessing if we did aggressive testing of the water, any municipality with water systems older than 75 years will have lots of problems, including lead. Cities made an amazing commitment to infrastructure a long time ago, creating great networks for water and sewage, and we’ve done nothing to maintain or upgrade

I can see the 2020 Giants trading Posey, Longoria, Crawford, and Melancon to the Mets for anything and coming up ahead.  The 2022 Giants will trade Belt to the Mets and come up ahead.  

Thank you for pointing this out - this was really the only line in the article I had a major issue with because fuck the Wilpons, if they’re as financially sophisticated as they hold themselves to be, they HAD TO KNOW Madoff’s dealings were just one big scam.

MLB forced that carpetbagging Boston fuck McCourt to sell

I only got a Game Genie for that stupid hoverbike level.

So... 3 women a day...  not a bad exercise.

I am okay with this tie-breaker.

As much as the questionable calls, Italy and Spain underestimated Korea and took them too lightly.  Italy was good enough to win outright if only they didn’t play defense for 70 minutes after leading 1-0.  Spain should have won and not relied on penalty kicks, which can be a crapshoot.

Yup. There is also nothing more Korean than to get the necessary 2-0 victory over Germany only to discover Mexico shit the bed.

If only my first EPL game I saw was at Manchester, but no, my parents couldn’t get tickets and we ended up at Tottenham when I was 10.

Cameras are absolutely necessary these days if you want to get anything done.

Coming to America is easily one of the best movies of all time, not just a black movie.