Ascendo Tuum

Aside from boxing and MMA, there is no other sport I can think of that has constant head contact - soccer players maybe as they head the ball and occasionally smack heads together as they go up for a ball. But in terms of sheer frequency, it’s boxing, MMA, and American football. Even rugby stresses proper tackling

Amazing - a Georgia Institute of Technology grad, with 2 Masters degrees from the University of Michigan (of course), one of which is in urban planning, and when she isn’t calling the cops on little black girls, she sells weed for pets.

She should just move to Portland.

Ooh, that’s a great idea - almost every professional has to have some sort of insurance...

It’s too bad the city taxpayers will end up paying lots of money to “resolve” this, when the actual guilty parties - the officers on the street, the department officials who condone this, the politicians on both sides of the aisle who quietly support them - will never see any repercussions.

I think the only way to stop

What are the consequences he faces? Worst case scenario, he’ll get suspended with pay for a while, then confined to desk duty, during which time his union will be fighting like hell to get him reinstated. If he actually does get fired, which probably won’t happen, he’ll be quietly hired as a deputy for some local

Why won’t white people confront the proliferation of white-on-white crime?

I’m not sure if that was the wrong time - the ball was in Senegal’s half of the field and was in the neutral zone out, with neither side possessing it when the ref waved him in. I’m guessing a new rule will be created for just this situation after the World Cup is over.

Unfortunately, we really aren’t better than this.

God damn, you’re going to hell. +1

Wilmington... for those not familiar with the area, this is part of the harbor for the city of Los Angeles - lots of minorities, poor, not well educated, home of the first Wienerschnitzel.

I didn’t know there were even white people there, but apparently, they comprise 6.4% of the population. After this stunt, I’m

I still don’t understand how the Wilpons aren’t in prison. There’s no way they weren’t colluding with Madoff in his financial chicanery. But naturally, having the Wilpons in prison might allow someone else to lead the Mets to competence, so maybe it is for the best.

People mix up the “discretionary spending” budget with the actual, overall budget. It’s a common error, whether intentional or not.

The hate and anger are strong with this one. More info below. Still little info about the father of the two kids.

I like this better than Tolstoy’s version.

There ain’t no family drama like white people family drama. Holy shit.

I wouldn’t phrase it like that - while yes, she had the temerity to behave like many thousands of men do on a regular basis, the media would have eaten them up alive for a presidential run. She divorced him after 15 years of marriage and 4 daughters, married an old boyfriend in California and after 4 years, divorced

My expectations for Florida are really, really low. It’s sad that I’m happy no one died in that confrontation.

Actually, no, the decision was more, if you’re going to impartially decide whether someone violated civil rights and claims religion as a basis for doing so, don’t shit on the religion, just deal with the facts of the case.

The Supreme Court punted on this one, really, and it’s only because the Colorado Civil Rights

No, I never get to see Dodger games on TV and I’d hate to waste one on this, when I’ll be watching it from the Angels channel.

He probably thought, like nearly everyone else watching the game, that JR would either go for the layup or pass out to a wide open Lebron at the top of the key (which was plan A on every Cavs offensive series for the first 47 minutes and 55.3 seconds).