I’ll be damned, now the Dodgers are getting in on the action.
I’ll be damned, now the Dodgers are getting in on the action.
It’s amazing - in a game with Nick Young and JaVale McGee, we find someone just as physically talented yet stupider.
There are Republicans in New York City?!? Weird.
Yes, I am aware of their existence. Yes, this aligns perfectly with their ideology. But, regarding Libertarian politicians - how many actually are in power? Looking on their website, there are 165 Libertarian elected officials across the nation, and the only one in New York is a town councilor in Cicero, wherever the…
Depends on who you borrowed the money from
It’s partially speculation - if the medallion value increases, then you make interest only payments until you’re done working as a taxi driver, then sell the medallion for as much or more than you bought it for.
You didn’t factor in the (perceived) re-sale value.
What libertarian politicians? I’m guessing it is almost entirely due to lobbying by the venture capitalists and the TNCs.
Not unless the chinese dude borrowed money from the wrong people.
The taxi medallion system is not capitalism - that’s an artificial constraint caused by the government. This is exactly the opposite of a free market.
Thanks - I responded without seeing your most excellent response to the comment that the USSR would have won without US assistance.
Without American assistance? Who gave the USSR the food, money, raw materials, equipment, tanks, ammunition to allow them to survive Operation Barbarossa? Yeah, the US had little to do with the actual steamrolling done by the USSR and the Russian casualties, both military and civilian, are criminally not discussed in…
Anyone out there actually keep an eye on this case? WTF would they drop the negligence action? That’s basic first year law school shit - always allege negligence.
Two (presumed) weekend warriors with no weapons against a starving desperate animal that is all muscle, with claws and fangs and teeth? A 20 pound bobcat will fuck you up, so if you’re up against a mountain lion? You have no chance.
They did everything right in the first encounter and that cougar should have just left.…
Thank you - I was about to jump in, but you got this. These male incels don’t care about women as people - they want to own women like toys. These guys are sick in the head.
Yeah, but it’s be easy to counter by balancing your lineup, if you can. But hey, can’t blame him for thinking outside the box.
I don’t think this will work against a balanced lineup and also, didn’t the Rockies try this out disastrously a few years ago?
The problem with John Carter is the same as the Lone Ranger -they were designed to launch franchises and were way too big in terms of ambition and budget. They should have intentionally capped the budget low - max $100-150 million, most of it for CGI, and push the envelope in the sequels if the first movie did well.…
No, fuck this guy. He will never learn how to be a better human being. Instead, we fuck him up as much as possible as an example to anything else remotely thinking his type of behavior is okay.
Damnit, you beat me to the punch
How sad. I can see a judge and jury buying this bullshit. Great job screwing over every true victim of sexual assault, which is vastly under reported.