Ascendo Tuum

I feel sorry for the poor girl. This family bullshit just needs to stop, but I guess they want their 15 minutes in the sun before they go back to whatever loser shit they were doing.

If I recall correctly, Alabama follows the Model Penal Code for killing someone, so it’s either murder (intentional killing) or manslaughter (reckless killing).

A standard defense for killing someone is “heat of passion” - meaning you were provoked and just reacted without any time to cool off. Under the Model Penal

This isn’t just any lawsuit, it’s a class action lawsuit, so if the attorney for the lead plaintiff is successful, they’ll make a boatload of money (a lot of those class action lawsuits are really gambles by the attorney). The attorney who filed this is a one lawyer shop in NY, but if the class action lawsuit gets any

They were in Rialto. That’s about as far from the Bay Area as one can get, culturally.

Yeah, for baseball freshmen, we had to shave our legs, which wasn’t bad because we used it as an excuse to talk to the girls on the swim team. Our high school teams were pretty mild except the water polo and lacrosse guys - they did some heinous shit with broom handles. I’ll never understand white people.

I still don’t understand why we bailed these assholes out. Any bailout should have been predicated on firing with no severance package anyone in management who had anything to do with these cars.

God damn, that would have been an amazing movie, plot-wise, and a better use of the cast. You’d still have to deal with a wooden Val Kilmer.

How sad is it that I forgot Drew Barrymore was even in this movie?

This is great advice. Another thing - get used to rejection. After a certain point (maybe 50? 100? 500?), you just don’t care anymore and when you get there, that confidence shines through. I went through college and law school with hardy any dates and rejected by lots of women before I finally got the point where I

Dodgers are boned, but I’m optimistic too. 2nd in the NL West should be enough for a wild card, and by then, everyone but Seager will be back..

However, I still curse the front office for trading for Darvish rather than Verlander.

Dude, every game involving the Yankees or the Red Sox is practically a home game for the away team at Angel Stadium. It’s been like that since I was a kid in the 90s. It’s not unexpected, since the Angels aren’t in Los Angeles.

I just gathering mine up right now after reading this article. So far, there are 10 old phones between my wife and I, and those are just the ones I can find. They’re going to a e-waste facility once I can figure out how to turn them on and wipe the memory best I can.

Holy shit, the Bills took Allen. They chase a better QB out of town for this racist fuck, and they’ll give him plenty of chances to suck ass. Dear God, I love this draft.

Billy Beane will trade him to a contender for a new vending machine full of drinks come July.

Maybe I’m just old (8th grade was about 24 years ago), but if I remember that lesson correctly, you were supposed to list all the positive justifications for slavery perpetuated in response to the abolitionist movement. This seems like a poorly worded assignment due to ignorance or negligence - either way, this

Actually, a lot of people said, “NO ONE LIKES YOU, TED CRUZ, you’re a fucking dumbass for running.” But yeah, I understand the point you’re trying to convey. But that “basket of deplorables” remark was devastating and maybe if she was cognizant of the virulent dislike of her among the electorate, maybe she wouldn’t

I’m cautiously optimistic Toyota may teach BMW how to make an engine that doesn’t leak oil.

ISIS paid good money for those Land Cruisers and Tundras.

Seriously. I was thinking Knicks from just the headline alone.

Owners complained of lost revenue while players didn’t like the grind when you add it to the already long season.

Building more housing is progressive - it’s just odd that progressives in those same cities with scarce housing have allied with other detestable groups into odd voting blocks of NIMBYs that fuck over everyone.

But don’t worry - the bubble will burst in the next 2-5 years, they’ll be a little pain before the