Ascendo Tuum

No, I don’t disagree. You do stupid shit, stupid shit will happen to you.

I’m pretty sure this is exactly how it happened. I’ve seen it happen, just like this, twice in my life (once before 9/11 and once afterwards), and both times, security overreached in a ridiculous fashion.

Oh, that’s the fucking joke? I guess I’m too old to understand ... no wait, how is this a thing?

Seduction of an unmarried woman is a felony in Michigan. Wow. Every day, I learn new things about this country that just depress me.

TMZ better be careful of some armed vegan militant animal lover that may visit their HQ...

As I recall, Ichiro had an uninspiring first spring training before proving those fears unfounded shortly after the season began...

That was fucking horrible. +1

If I had to give the Cardinals the benefit of the doubt (which I am loathe to do), they may have some jitters over the eye condition he has. Anything odd/different/unique usually spooks the so-called traditionalists in sports

He was called up for his MLB debut 9/7/2014, so based on the rookie contract rules, he would not be eligible for arbitration until 2019 and can’t be a free agent until 2022 unless released by the team. By moving him up and down, they’ve depressed his service time and ability to put up statistics that could impact his

In fairness to Castellanos, the next batter was signalling him to slide.

I think GBS was referring to Rosen being a possible member of Generation Z . Rosen was born in 1997 and the cut off is usually around 2000 or even 9/11/2001, but he’s on the borderline.

Imagine, Generation Z is probably the first one drilled in the intersection of technology and critical thinking since at least the

So... death penalty for cricket?

How fucking horrible. Considering the societal pressures in Korea to be thin and beautiful (cosmetic surgery is a huge industry there, with lots of tourists going in for procedures), and adding this bullshit on top? I can’t imagine.

Okay... I agree shit happens, but as I own quite a number of guns, I still don’t keep loaded guns accessible to kids... and I don’t think any responsible parent should keep a loaded gun near kids. That’s just my take.

Ownership isn’t a problem here - it’s shitty parenting.

I see sarcasm is lost on you. But yeah, a good question is why someone had a gun accessible to a 9 year old. That’s pretty moronic.

Oh, good. As I get older, I find myself turning to urban dictionary more and more as I try to figure out what the fuck people are saying. It’s depressing as I only just turned 40.

You like that! Right?

I think if McKnight was some random dude and not someone (marginally) famous, there would have been a different result.

Fame (and money) helps immensely.