Fucking Huntington Beach douchebags never change.
Fucking Huntington Beach douchebags never change.
The 12s hate the 13th amendment - FIFY
I believe the people at Texas A&M will disagree with your original statement, but welcome the royalties.
I love that line from Batman Returns
I love this movie. The art deco style and nostalgia of a Los Angeles that is long dead easily gets me now, as it does with Chinatown, Devil in a Blue Dress, LA Confidential, and even Ed Wood and Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Here’s a nice website explaining the Oscars nomination and voting process. But yeah, they just send the films to the voters and pray the voters watch the movies. That’s why in the LA area, there’s tons of ads on local TV, billboards, etc, begging the voters to consider their movie for whatever award. There’s also tons…
Holy shit, that would be fucking bad ass.
Get Out never had a chance of winning Best Picture. Not only is race and gender an issue with the Oscars voters (some of whom don’t even watch all the movies they vote on), the Oscars voters are snobs regarding the movie genre - no Sci-Fi film has ever won an Oscar, only one fantasy film has won an Oscar (Lord of the…
China did go full horror show under communist rule. That’s why they’re now communist in name only.
I forgot about UNC. It’s all the same in the South.
Either the lawyer negotiating the contract on behalf of the university fucked up or Miller has some of the best lawyers at his side. Either way, this should be Exhibit A of the NCAA’s charge of the “lack of institutional control” against the University of Arizona and since it’s not a Big-Ten or SEC school, the hammer…
There is a ball (sort of) and someone plays defense. It’s more a sport to me than some subjective bullshit like figure skating and ice dancing.
Just got back from Korea and while there, we got to go to the Olympics and visited some of the “houses” around the Olympic park. Holland House was the best - $20 a day for all you can drink Heineken. I was also there when they celebrated the 1-2-3 victory in speed skating and holy shit, that was nuts.
Canada House was…
You know, they allow all sorts of charlatans into the Olympics. Her story doesn’t seem as bad as others this website has documented. It helps to be rich, but good for her to exploit a loophole which will likely be closed soon.
Due to the half-assed effort, that’s a few years of hard labor for him and his family going back three generations.
Seriously though, the only nation that should fear the North Korean nukes is Japan - they won’t attack South Korea (Pyongyang would be in the fallout zone), China, Russia, and attacking the US is suicide.…
I know! I have to wear a coat as I drive around with the top down in my convertible. It’s just, like, totally ruining my style.
I’ve also spent decades in athletics and also heard thousands of different renditions of the national anthem - this wasn’t the worst. It is down there - she tried to do a soul version and uncomfortably failed, especially the last two lines - but it’s not the worst. It’s such a hard song to sing and I’d prefer people…
She exploited a loophole and gets to call herself an Olympian on her already fascinating resume (UC Berkeley undergrad and on crew team, Harvard grad school, ran for governor of California). Shit, if I had the time, vast amounts of money, and patient parents who would abide abject failure, I’d do the same thing.
This is why i never buy the first year of any generation of a car. I’ll let others work out the bugs first.
Anglicizing the Korean language has gone over multiple makeovers - the earliest attempts tried to copy Chinese pinyin which is pretty dumb, since Korean uses a phonetic alphabet. They had a lot of problems, such as having using “P” for the “b” sounding consonant, using “ P’ “ for the “p” sounding consonant, and some…
Post-nuptial agreement promising a dump truck full of money?