Ascendo Tuum

You have obviously never visited Arizona or ASU, along with their pool parties.

Yeah, s/he explained that later. Still, having proportional representation in both chambers defeats the purpose of checks/balances/etc. Instead of blowing the whole thing up, a couple minor fixes like removing the cap on the number of Representatives in the House and coming up with a rational way to draw up

For voting purposes, slaves were counted as 3/5 of a free voter. That’s why some people call the Constitution a racist document. Also, California wasn’t a state in 1770. The Spanish were too busy killing the natives. A better example would have been comparing Rhode Island and New York, in terms of population

Uh, drawing on knowledge from a friend...

Depends on the vest, but yes it does help hide the gut UNLESS your gut is too big and the vest will hang out awkwardly, drawing attention to the gut.

They operate out of Native American reservations, who are not subject to the usual usury laws.

Too bad when they created the CFPB, they screwed up and failed to account for separation of powers, which means it’s unconstitutional.

Rick & Morty fans are like libertarians. I love the show and I’m libertarian, but i fucking hate other Rick & Morty fans and I fucking hate other libertarians. Life is strange like that.

Roger Goodell just suspended Mondesi and Williams for 3 games each.

So which Japanese anime did Aronofsky rip off this time?

The A’s used to have the “rights” to the South Bay, but allowed the Giants to take it over back when the Giants were trying to build Pac Bell (or whatever the fuck they call it now). Now that the A’s are trying to get a new stadium, they asked the Giants to get the rights back, but the Giants, unsurprisingly for an

I realized the A’s suck, but they’re still in Oakland and, thanks to the Giants, shouldn’t be leaving anytime soon

Am I the only one that uses different browsers for different accounts? To me, it’s just easier that way

That is... an unfortunate looking woman-thug.

Tatted up single mom Soundcloud rapper from Texas now in Tennessee driving a Porsche SUV with priors? Hilariously low $25,000 bail for what should be attempted murder?

Looking online, her dad is some lawyer in Texas who focuses on auto accidents, medical malpractice, and

Find out the kids who did this, take them and their parents to someplace remote, and introduce them repeatedly to a tire iron. It’s the only way white people will learn.

Yes, I’m totally aware of that and agree she fully benefits from white girl privilege. The comment was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek sarcastic, but I’m too old to use the fucking emojis or whatever to denote that.

GPU demand up due to the mining of crytocurrencies.

GPU demand up due to the mining of crytocurrencies.

Nobody’s perfect.

Hadid? Maybe? It’s a foreign name in a bad foreign way.

damn, she must have had a great union rep and attorney.

Offense has struggled and the pitching outside of Kershaw has looked mortal. I don’t see them blowing the lead, but the playoffs look more and more daunting.