He might survive assuming they win 9-10 games and succeed in keeping that big name QB they recruited (Thompson-Robinson). Anything else less than that, and yeah, he’s gone.
He might survive assuming they win 9-10 games and succeed in keeping that big name QB they recruited (Thompson-Robinson). Anything else less than that, and yeah, he’s gone.
No, you really can’t have one national police force in the US. The UK is smaller than the state of Oregon, which helps.
I just think each state needs to do a better job of overseeing the police departments in their state, ensure that hiring and training are up to a certain standard, and enforce those standards.
The police in America are under hundreds of jurisdictions - each city (police), county (sheriff), and state (troopers AKA highway patrol) are independent units with very little coordination required between them (they only share data because the FBI is supposed to maintain a database and that technology is sadly out…
The Boston free speech rally organizers probably weren’t white enough for true Bostonians.
Haha, I think when it became trendy some years ago, I had some white people from high school complain to me at our 10 year reunion, asking why I never took them to Korean barbecue when we were growing up.
My response was a bit profane, and, well, it was best I didn’t go to my 20 year reunion.
Hard to grow your own weed in the projects. Lack of water, sunlight, hope...
Chargers are taking their 2017 slogan, Fight for LA, a little too seriously.
Beautiful tackle by Allen. Charger WRs have to be ready after the inevitable Rivers pick at the most inopportune time.
Don’t tell me what to do.
Man, it’s going to be a really long 8 years. Hell, at this rate, Dems probably won’t have their shit together for 2024.
Cop was black. He’s screwed, as are all minority cops who (rightfully) are prosecuted when they fuck up (unlike their white colleagues). We’ll learn nothing from this. If Black/brown people don’t realize the cops will kill you with impunity, then they’re either high or naive.
Sunset in New York City is around 8-8:30 pm in the summertime. 7:45 pm to 9:00 pm seems more than reasonable. I’m guessing most kids eat dinner earlier, so it makes for a good dessert.
This one is just golden. +1 for life
Because most of the key operatives in the Democratic leadership and donor base are part of the 1%?
Wow, so that’s what it’s like to be a white girl getting arrested by the police. Must be nice. Amazingly, the ACLU is apparently defending her, accusing the police chief of shutting down conversations by releasing the body cam video. Again, must be nice.
I’d prefer John Cena at VP with Bernie as a Supreme Court justice, but yes, I can see this happening now and it scares me.
No, technically, they didn’t get cleaned out. What killed the Wilpons wasn’t just investing with Madoff, but they were using the Madoff investments as collateral for other loans.
I still think they were complicit in that shit. They got off lucky because they had to borrow so much money to cover the debt they incurred…
It all comes down to the money. Hell, even the idiot owners of the Mets still have a team and are trying to win, with middling results (I still think they knew what Madoff was doing and they should divest the team from them).
Amazing how that single uniform turns two outs into just one. I have no idea how that is not interference.
I love the books, can’t wait for the premiere, and holy shit, this summary was awesome. +1's forever.
Wow, I see two lawsuits so far. One by the skater who was injured when shoved by a cop, and the other by a skater because the cops weren’t there to regulate the skaters. SF is stupid enough to settle both those lawsuits too.