You forgot the Chargers, though that isn’t a surprise since everyone forgets about the Chargers
You forgot the Chargers, though that isn’t a surprise since everyone forgets about the Chargers
As opportunistic as Garcetti is, he hasn’t been too sleazy, like prior mayors in LA or those from SF. Yeah, he’s trying to raise his national profile and definitely has ambitions for the Senate or even the Presidency, but he hasn’t been too bad for LA.
Which is probably why they’ll give LA the 2028 Olympics. Trump won’t get his Berlin. Garcetti will.
The LA84 Foundation came up with a lot of new ideas for revenue streams that were co-opted by the IOC in later Olympics. So unless LA gets some concessions on control of these revenue streams, we cannot expect a repeat of the surprise financial benefits from the ‘84 Olympics.
Most states. Florida is special, remember.
Fuck. I figured he was the second coming of Jamaal Tinsley, which was not what the Lakers needed. Wish we got Fox instead.
US Supreme Court won’t hear it as they won’t have jurisdiction. It’s strictly a matter for Delaware only.
When Torre moved into MLB administration, they also implemented even more changes to how umps are evaluated, including new cameras, replacing the old QuesTec system. I’m guessing with actual objective measurements, lots of evaluations of umps took a hit. We need more information to evaluate this.
Meanwhile, I suspect…
99 umpires, of which 7 are Hispanic and 4 are black, so 11% minority. Of the 19 crew chiefs, all 19 are white. If you’re big on percentages, then you’d expect about 2 crew chiefs to be minorities.
It doesn’t look good that all 23 umpires promoted to crew chief are white or only 2 of 34 umpires assigned to the World…
Meh. They’ve been doing this to Asian kids for a while now in a lot of districts throughout the country - some schools have multiple valedictorians with no credit for honors or AP/IB courses.
Good luck to them, but I doubt the case will not be dismissed early on.
Participation trophies for everyone!
Ah, SantAna at its finest.
As much as I love the Dodgers, they always suck against a new pitcher - must be some oversight in their scouting department. I say 8-3, in an inexplicable Mets win. Pill will go on the DL next week, after his next start.
Glad you caught that too. Now you’ve gone and spoiled his narrative.
The science is fine, it’s idiot liberal arts major journalists writing about shit they don’t know who ruin everything. Just because you’re good at one field (writing) doesn’t make you good in other fields. Not just journalists falling in this trap. Lots of perfectly bright people make dumb mistakes because they…
My problem with bullfighting is how much they abuse and cripple the bull before the actual “fight.” If it was a fair fight with a fully healthy bull, then maybe, maybe I can understand it. But this “fight” is just bullshit (no pun intended), and matadors only get hurt if they fuck up (like tripping on your own cape).
Seriously. The surveillance video didn’t show shit. Doesn’t matter though. No one should be in North Korea in the first place.
I hope you’re right. The patchwork rotation behind Kershaw may wear out the bullpen in the dog days of summer.
Finally, someone who knows the legal definition of the hearsay rule.
It saddens me that hardly anyone will understand this. +1 forever.
Yeah, I usually watch the Mexican feed for soccer games when I can and I hardly understand any Spanish.