Ascendo Tuum

7 years of school, several years of internships, externships, and clerkships, years to get my specialization, and hours each year to maintain my license as an attorney and to keep my edge against my opponents. I’ll do the Walmart gig after I retire, if I ever do.

While my remark was flippant, people forget that police

Yeah, the trenches were much worse. On the trail, you get to make a choice as to whether to bridge 100 miles away or caulk the wagon. In the trenches, when you weren’t being shelled to death, your basic orders were to get out of the trench, walk really slowly to the other side, and not die. If you didn’t comply,

Police get training?

It’d be much more effective if we could get a crack at that police pension fund for these types of lawsuits. But it won’t happen and we the taxpayers will pay the bill for the idiocy of the elected/unelected bureaucrats dealing with the little details of our lives.

This made my day

Oh, kids change everything. EVERYTHING.

Don’t forget the regents with the foresight to create a hidden slush fund.

My wife and I have traveled multiple times - Italy, France, Spain, Korea, China, Japan - all carry-on only since our honeymoon. It’s the best way to travel. Once, we had to check a box on the flight home from all the shit we bought, but that’s it.

My neighbors ignored me until they found out I was a lawyer and constantly ask for advice. FML, but I’m too polite to chase them away.

I still think it’s a 7 game series, after Draymond Green “accidentally” tries to kick Kyrie Irving, misses, and shatters Kevin Durant’s knee in Game 4.

Millennials can’t recall seeing him in action.

Man, not even close. You should study the Blackhawks history - the current owner’s dad was amazing shortsighting in crippling the franchise, refusing to broadcast home games on TV, raised ticket prices, fired fan favorite musicians and play-by-play people, and was just generally a bad owner with no concern for

This dude isn’t so much a conservative as he is an asshole. There are liberal assholes too.

Some of them are cool, but a lot are alpha-male assholes who are climbing the political ladder. The public defender’s office was worse - you have some who are true believers, doing all they can to stop injustice or at least limit the damage for the truly guilty ones, but a lot were just a cog in the machine, selling

Dude, it sucks. i went to law school to become a DA and fight crime. I lasted 3 months before I said fuck this shit, I’m out.

“Plea bargains are only necessary for people who have committed a crime.”

Man, you’ve got a lot to learn about the “justice” system. Trust me, i’ve worked in the DA’s office in California before I quit in disgust and went into private practice.

Sounds about right. I think the most serious proposal for dividing the state in the 60s died because neither side wanted Fresno.

Double-yellow lines for the carpool lane is a SoCal thing, especially since SoCal implemented them much later than NorCal. However, some SoCal freeways have relaxed this in the last 10 years (the 55 and the 22, for a couple examples).

Also, SoCal carpool lanes are carpool only 24-7, rather than during rush hour only

It’s not Philly, dude. That’s the CA-170, going south through North Hollywood. I’ve driven that road way too many times not to recognize it.