
Sure why not.

My first thought is to be surprised that there's a DMV employee in existence who gives this many fucks about anything about their job.

Neither do I. I'm going to take that as a compliment.

When my brother died, the woman he was living with gave his dog away the next day. We contacted the new 'owners' and they also refused to return him to us, saying their kids were too 'attached.' Attached after a few days?? This was my brothers best friend for years, our last living link to him. Not only did they

I am truly shocked at how many people are like "whhaaa my kids didn't get the thing they asked for! Christmas/their birthday/easter/whatever is ruined!!" When I was a kid, sometimes Santa didn't bring the thing you wanted. If you were lucky, he brought you something vaguely resembling the thing you wanted. I swear

The family is shitty. And his girlfriend is shitty. Who the fuck sells someone's dog? If she couldn't take care of the dog, she should have said something to him and let him make other arrangements. What an asshole.

So let me just say this before I explode. My husband didn't ask to go to war for those pricks that we call a government. He didn't twiddle his thumbs while he was deployed. He helped give villages electricity and wells because it was the right thing to do and got shot at because he's American. He tried to save a

They are indeed.

What's particularly off-putting is that the family who insists on keeping the dog is (according to the news report) a military family. You'd expect them to respect a soldier's property.

that's about what I expect from a family who buys a pet from Craigslist. I really wish they would shut down the pets section.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that these kids are spoiled and entitled as fuck, as are the parents. Yeah, last week, my toddler got SOOOPER attached to another kid's dump truck at the park. My kid was practically having an emotional affair with that damn truck. But he had to deal with the fact that he

That family is a bunch of shitheads.

Also it would be a good lesson to the children to return something to it's rightful owner if it was wrongfully taken from him/her/them

Exactly. If you're single, you don't get to say no. You must be somebody's property before he'll back off. At which point, he'll be patting himself on the back for being such a respectful dude, because after all, he chose to stop stepping on another guy's turf.

I almost got in trouble once on that account: I had a shy friend who was being hit on by this jerk who wouldn't take no for an answer, and when she finally brought up that she had a boyfriend he said "oh, well why didn't you just say that before?"

What's worse is when the "I have a boyfriend" line is used and doesn't work. I once had an unwelcome, aggressive advance pushed on me and I told him - truthfully - that I'm married. He responded with, "Well, what he doesn't know won't hurt him," and kept going, much more aggressively than before.

That's the point, that women still don't feel safe to just say no. It can be dangerous.

I've said "no" before to a dude at the food market across the street from my work. He was really shocked. "Why not?" he asked. "Just, no." I replied, and nervously smiled.

You too!

Ugh. Reading comprehension... (don't mind me knee-jerk reaction, partially informed by some of the other responses suggesting women "grow a pair" or "have a fucking backbone". My knees are a-twitchin')