
Eh. We CAN just say that. I understand being safe, but this seems a little silly. Just be straight up and prepare for some potential awkwardness.

That's how the guys I talk to see it. "Oh, ok, she's not interested." Almost like "oh, I'd love to come to your shower, but I'm busy that day."

Seriously, what is this passive aggressive shit? I mean fine use it but a "No thanks." affirms my lack of interest. I don't need anyone to do it for me, that's what feminism is. Me handling my own shit.

Not excusing the dispatcher's douche-ery, but man that job must suck. You are always dealing with people at what is most likely the worst time in their life and you have to interrogate them with enough speed to get them the assistance they need.

That being said. If you've reached the point that you can no longer give

He really struck me as the hired muscle type. Cracking incisors and loving it. We had to keep him away from the dogs, for their safety.

My mom teaches small children and occasionally uses a Count Von Count puppet (from Sesame Street) when working with math/numbers. She does the voice, the accent, the whole nine yards; the kids love it.

Ha, I read it that way too and my first thought was "yeah, people don't chew up all your electric cords, leaving trails of turdlets behind them."

Smile! Because baby/honey/gurrrl, you're too pretty to look sad, and you should focus on whether or not your face is pleasing to men.

But don't smile too much, or we'll have to kill you.

I had a similar experience with a rabbit my friend found living in an alley. When he was in the mood he could be very sweet and playful, but majority of the time he was just a fuzzy berserker. During the two years he lived with us we managed to mellow him out a bit, but he never lost that street urchin edge.

Yup, my Willow is the same way!

They arent even cute. Kittens are cute. Puppies are cute. Bunnies are mean, vicious critters. Heck, they were classified as rodents for a very long time. They do nothing but sit there with those beady red eyes, nibbling on their lettuce and carrots while plotting their next attack.

I lived in SLC for almost 3 years, and this is one thing that really rubbed me the wrong way. The President of the Church supposedly has a direct line to God. You know that eventually, 10 years, 100 years from now, the President will address the church and say that God has told him its cool for women to hold the

It's funny to me, I've heard people grumbling about this recently (just a few friends and acquaintances) that sharing a bed is outmoded our based or religious what-have-you...

Did the bread give clear consent to the cheese before it entered the sandwich?

Even the 1959 Disney version, the unconscious princess, deep inside a bramble-covered fortress, is "awakened" by a sword-wielding prince who pushes through the black (pubic hair-esque?) branches and enters her soft pink chamber.

Exactly. People think that I am anti-LGBTQ because I think this advertising is weird as fuck when it is actually just weird as fuck. It's a complete non sequitur.

99% of advertising is pandering in some way. Findus clearly thinks that gay people buy pasta (who would have thought!) and want to tap into that market. If the advertising results in sales, it works. Pretty simple.

Doesn't need to be straight, either.

Yes. Ignorance is bliss. And those simple, stupid African women don't know any better about having pain-free, intact bodies so they're so much happier.