
That’s a good article! One of my pet peeves is when an alarmist article will say, “This thing was found in salad dressing/shampoo/yogurt/whatever and IT’S ALSO FOUND IN ANT BAIT!” I mean, *water* is also found in ant bait, right?

Environmental Working Group’s lists and rankings of consumer products are really thorough and can be helpful, but you have to read them closely and not over-ring the alarm bells. They downgrade many products’ safety ratings due to the presence of potential allergens that are harmless to most people (such as mint and

So. Obama gave a PEAS TALK?

Tis true. All the fun, half the guilt!

My idea of being “obsessively over-prepared” is always carrying a pocket knife, a Leatherman, a length of 550 paracord, and three ways to start a fire. This is definitely an Alaskan thing. :) Isn’t it awesome that we can both be perfectly admirable women and yet be so different? :)

Eloise is lovely, and I love her clothes, and I’m delighted that she is proud of her own unique loveliness instead of wishing she were any different. However, 3-5 “wardrobe changes” per day? Is this a Southern California thing?

Scene: I’ve recently completed my PhD in engineering and been awarded a faculty position at my small-town, but entirely respectable, University. I have baked a mailed a package of cookies to my sister and her family for Valentine’s Day. I receive the following voice mail from my mom, who lives with my sister as her

Carhartts and pearls FTW!

LOL Whitepeople

Quid pro quo sexual harassment in the workplace!

SO WEIRD! On what planet do men say, “Meh, things aren’t working out”, and the women conclude it’s because she’s stinky??

Did people in the pre-washing-machine era wash their underwear every day? I still feel like I’d accumulated a week’s worth first.

What a beautiful smile, to match her accomplishment!

My first day at a new job, when I am being marched around and intro’ed.

She's apparently weird, and terrible at expressing herself, and very pretty. All three of these traits arouse suspicion, all the time! The combination, under the wrong circumstances, can apparently land your ass in prison.

So... behavior that is not how you would behave = evidence of murder?

I think I read an article that said that Kate Moss' first editorial, which made her famous, was shot after she had had a fight with her boyfriend, and that the vulnerability and sadness is what made the photos stand out. I could see that as an artistic statement, but it sure is weird to use to sell something. "Buy my

"the thought of having a coffee on a first meeting scared him"

I'm not insisting on any system! I'm insisting that you can convert to any system you choose, using the *powers of your mind*. You can also convert millimeters to cubits, centimeters, cat-ear-lengths, or wavelengths of violet light. You *still* do not need a ruler with millimeters.

Yes, and wherever you live, you, too, can convert millimeters to inches, cubits, centimeters, cat-ear-lengths, or wavelengths of violet light, using the *powers of your mind*. You do not need a ruler with millimeters.