Agree that the entire book describes non consensual interactions. But it's also fiction, and meant to give readers their jollies, and for the reader, that interaction is consensual (choosing to read, I mean).
Agree that the entire book describes non consensual interactions. But it's also fiction, and meant to give readers their jollies, and for the reader, that interaction is consensual (choosing to read, I mean).
Yes, carrots up the butthole will be off the table. They are thenceforth unsanitary and unfit for consumption. :)
The Sleeping Beauty trilogy was compelling, but I could not get over the opening of the whole story with a rape of an unconcious girl. If I remember correctly, the book flaps don't even describe it as rape; they describe it as "sexual awakening", which is total bullshit. I can buy that the rest could be legit…
(1) This doesn't give you the money back!
This only works if you only want the money back "on principle" but don't actually need the money. Because this does not give you money. Also, you have to spend time in the company of someone whom you may or may not want to spend time with. This could definitely be a form of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
I wonder if some of the discrepancies between races are due to their own cultural definitions of rape. My (Chinese) mom definitely did not subscribe to the concept of rape within marriage. When I explained that my then-husband woke me up via raping me, then she was horrified, because it interrupted my sleep! And…
That's a valid opinion. But mine is that humans and dogs are both worth more than crocodiles.
Really? You're not sure which is the worse between dead humans and dead crocodiles?
Interesting. Thanks for sharing!
Good points. Thanks for piping up!
Isn't this kind of analogous to a hunger strike? Why make yourself suffer when it's someone else who needs to be punished? This kind of action depends on compassion from people who have previously shown you none. It doesn't make any sense.
If a happily married close friend or family member one day informed me that he or she were bisexual, but intended to remain monogamous and happily married, I'd say, "Uh, okay, great! And you're telling me this because...?" If you're happy and your spouse is happy, I don't care one way or the other how the exact…
I am the only one who thinks she looks adorable? She's not being false-pouty and duckfacey and fake-sexy. She's goofing off! What, when you were teenagers you were always all serious-pants?
I am ethnically Chinese and get mildly annoyed when white acquaintances try to tell me how much they admire "the Chinese" or, worse, "the Asians". They tell me how smart and hardworking we are and how much they love our food and culture. They tell me that they hope their kids befriend the Chinese kids, who are "so…
What is even up with light-skinned people tanning, and dark-skinned people wanting lighter skin, and straight-haired people getting perms, and curly-haired people straightening, and on ad infinitem? When aliens come visit us, they will be amazed at how much time we waste at such inanities!
Who cares what their relationship is and what she says? It just makes me feel all the sadder for her that she felt the need to point out that she was hanging out "fully clothed" with this guy. As if that "proves" that she doesn't deserve to have the shit beaten out of her? She could fuck every guy in San Fernando…
I spend too much time on this website. Without even reading the article, only the headline, I saw in my mind that grumpycat photo with the LOLcats text, "GOOD".
I got banned from gawker for making a bad pun. *shrug*
Photo of naked woman is offensive to women. Try explaining that to someone from another planet! It makes no sense!
Awwww what a sweet guy. Wise old dogs are the absolute best.