
A few posts down, you admitted that you lived in the tropics! How can you make such a blanket statement here and end it smugly with "There, answered" when you live at a climactic extreme?!?

When some abusive asshole punches his pregnant girlfriend in the belly so she miscarries, what do they charge him with? This guy essentially did the same thing, so he should have been charged similarly. He seriously hurt the woman and killed a fetus. He could have killed her as well. That seems sufficiently serious to

If it's in the same human's body, then yes, he or she may abort the fetus that is in his or her own body. Not in anyone else's body. I didn't really want to be an aunt, but I did not have the right to terminate my sister's pregnancy.

It's simple, friend. The rules are the same for both men and women:

In arctic climates, it's not uncommon not to have running water at home (I live in a "dry cabin"). I shower at work. I totally don't need to shower every day, and in fact, dermatologists recommend against it (when the average temperature is well below freezing, and the moisture content of the air is 0%, you neither

I know you're being facetious, but I agree with you for real. Being fit for function is a joy. Being fit to please someone else is ridiculous.

I think the Jez message is, love your body as it is, whether you are fat, thin, or in between. Also, trying to change your body is silly. However, they tend to pile it more to be in support of "fat people being fat" because "thin people being thin" is already supported by the rest of society.

Why, thank you! Best wishes to you, too!

I had a shit father too, and a neurotic, mentally unstable, abusive mother, and a series of abusive partners. But I've had phenomenal luck with platonic friends (who supported me through it all), work colleagues (who make me feel like I've never "worked" a day in my life), dogs (see below), and, finally, the

Thanks for typing out that excellent explanation!

I recently got together with a coworker I work with all the time. After we slept together, we decided that every time we had had lunch together on workdays were now retroactively dates. So we've now been dating for a year. Yay us!

This old money vs. new money thing baffles me. Is it an East Coast thing? In California, where I'm from, and Alaska, where I live now, it's a point of pride to be self-made. We sneer at people with inherited wealth.

That... is very offensive!

The yellow lab is adorable. Why are you calling him "weird looking"?

I don't think she's an actual troll. I think she's just Professionally Offended. She's just as senseless, though, so thank you for the reminder. :)

Meh, it's the internet! I've only been "raked over the coals" by one person who is being willfully offended, so no worries. :) Have a good weekend!

"it seems to me that the other two have just been trying to get to the headspace that she's in."

Um... WHAT? This... was a fish for compliments?

Because you know how when someone says something mean, whether or not it's true, it makes you feel bad? And when two other women stand around saying...

Why, you're right! My trying to get two women to be sensitive to a third is all about how *I* feel! Good job, you! You have my selfish motives all figured out!