
You read my post as other people suffering inconveniences for me? Wow. I think your unfair disadvantage in life is not being big. It's being a neurotic nutcase. My big coworker is brilliant and awesome, and she knows it. She's NOTHING like you.

Well, *I* happen to think that all three of them look just fine; I just find it rude that they criticize themselves in front of each other. Why does this make you all huffy at ME? Holy shit.

Jesus Christ, I don't have time to dismantle patriarchal beauty ideals during coffee time at work. I just want to enjoy a moment with three friends without listening to awkward weight talk. Get a grip.

I'm sincerely sorry for this, but I don't quite understand either this or a few other of your comments.

Uh, what? I'm not complaining about how hard I have it. I'm just asking, what can I say in the presence of all three of these women (all three of whom are treasured friends) that boosts the ones that want boosting and doesn't cut down any of the others?

It's awkward because what are you supposed to say? The dieters want you to compliment them on how "great" they look, while the only truly big woman stands right there. It's awkward as hell. You also can't tell the dieters (even if it's true), "I thought you looked just fine before!" because they say, "Oh please! How

How awkward is it to be the size 4 in the office, and watch the two size 8s competitively dieting, while you share cookies with the size 18 who doesn't give a rat's ass about her size?

I'm not gonna lie; I've twice been in long-term (cohabitating) relationships with men who were unemployed, and the relationship suffered. I couldn't ask them, "how was your day?" without them getting all defensive.

Some kids win the birth lottery; you shouldn't be able to take away their winnings just because their parents divorce.

I'm with you, sister. I'd like to remain friends with my exes in theory, but in reality, most of what I feel for them is blistering contempt. The one exception is a long-term friend of over 20 years, with whom I attempted a relationship just because we were both single at the time and wondered if we could have a

It's also difficult *being* a Chinese-American woman in a predominantly white community. Personally, it's not *quite* as bad for me when it comes to direct interactions, because I have a deep voice and, as a mechanical engineer, I dress very casually and don't wear makeup. So I'm not likely to be fetishized. But I'm

Rude, or unfuckingbelievable gall? I thought it was unfuckingbelievable gall, but that could have been because he also had the tiniest wanker I'd ever seen.

Oh oh let me ask you people something then! When I was with my ex (supposedly serious long-term relationship, although I dumped his ass due to an accumulation of Incidents Such as These), I asked him to proofread a report I had written. He said, sure, so I sent it to him. A week later, he "hadn't had time." So I

I do that at home. I eat absurd heaps of spaghetti with marinara and pecorino and rooster sauce, gulp wine, and then slump on the couch like a boa constrictor who's just swallowed a goat.

Awww... Too bad. :(

Can you get them from binders?

No, no, no. Add Northway, Alaska, and Bettles, Alaska. Shit gets COLD there!

That's not true! I have worn contacts down to -50, and skied in -40. They didn't freeze!

Dear Lower 48: Please, please, please give us back our cold. We'll happily take it off your hands. And I XC ski or snowshoe down to -40 because my retired sled dogs still need their exercise, so don't give me this "don't go outside" crap. Please take our ridiculous mid 20s weather. We don't need that shit in January.

I wear Carhartts and a belt. :)