Yeah, fair point. I just can't believe an article was written about other articles' being relatively mild.
Yeah, fair point. I just can't believe an article was written about other articles' being relatively mild.
I reckon she's a slim woman by nature. Women like that "bounce back" soon after pregnancy because that's just how they are made. My sister was like that, and believe me it wasn't deliberate—my sister is the least vain person you will ever meet. And I don't say that as a compliment; she walks around looking like an…
In other words, you were all set to write a Jez article criticizing critics for obsessing about Kate's weight. When they didn't come, you had to write your article anyway, so you wrote an article about the lack of critics obsessing about Kate's weight. Okeedoke.
Look me up if you do! We'll have to hang out!
I read (and am read by) a blogger in Finland. Yes, the Scandinavians and we have a lot in common, especially the look and feel of the country. :) I'm glad you like my blog. :)
Why not finish the law degree and THEN move up North? We could use more educational diversity up here, as currently we are a state of engineers, scientists, and skilled laborers.
That's precisely how I, and many of my friends, feel, and why we all live up here. Whenever I get home from going anywhere else, I sigh and have this sense of Sitting Down like I can relax and breathe again. :)
It is, and this is the most beautiful time of Fall—the colors are all turning, and the hills are yellow and orange and the sky is true blue. :)
A lot of white people still are racist, even if they wouldn't admit it, even to themselves. After hearing those comments about how some white people think that the Obamas don't "look like" a proper presidential family, with no explanation as to why (leaving race the obvious answer), I have no doubt whatsoever that…
I do research at the University into developing renewable power sources, many of which are "stranded" (e.g., a hot spring that is not near a population center). Living in Alaska is AWESOME, with all of the freedoms that come with open space and laws geared toward individual freedoms. There are a lot of odd characters,…
Wow. Thanks! :)
Of ALL TIME? Wow! Thanks!
Use any oil from the kitchen! Olive oil, peanut oil, saffllower oil. Or if you have cosmetic oils/fats, like shea butter or cocoa butter or coconut oil, those work too!
I should also mention that I have an outhouse, but only use it for turding. I usually squat and pee in my yard. I make my dogs escort me when it's dark because I'm afraid of moose and bears. If they come immediately back into the house with me after I pee without fucking around sniffing and eating random things out of…
It is arid enough, and the air is clean enough, hereabouts that I definitely do not have to shower every day. In fact, our local dermatologists recommend against it. But I usually do because I really enjoy showering. :)
Ya know, it sounds crazy, and having moved to Alaska from San Francisco, it sounded crazy to me, too, but people get by. And yes, infrastructure is set up for us "dry cabin" dwellers. I fill 5-gallon jugs at the "Water Wagon" for 2 cents a gallon, or at at the local freshwater spring tap, which is free. And yes, it's…
Showering twice a day is perfectly normal behavior... if you have running water at home! :)
But even if you don't wear makeup, what about general sweat and grime?
I wanna lamb to cuddle. And when she grows up... pecorino every day!