Arugula Boogala

Well clickbait artists could try to write content instead of revealing everything about a game just to be first and increase their click count. Kotaku has pretty regularly written about game endings a day or so after release with the spoiler in the title.

Because correlation is not causation. Many mass shooters have a history of domestic violence, true. They probably ate ice cream too. It falls apart when you work it the other way. Do many domestic violence incidents lead to mass shootings? I’m willing to bet that number is low enough to fall under statistical white

That’s a big goddamn leap of logic. It fits your story nicely but you miss a few important stats. The most important actually. For example, how many men who are convicted of domestic violence go on to engage in a mass shooting? I bet that percentage is low.

All I want is to be able to turn off battle voices. I hated them in XC and it wasn’t in my top ten things I hated about XCX but it sure didn’t help. I could be way more tolerant of both if I could have shut the awful characters up.

You wanted more history? Like what? Dossiers about events or representations of actual battles or what? That was a bit vague and I feel like everyone knows the highlights of the war. When WW2 was saturating the market I really hated how every game tried to squeeze in another random battle for accuracy.

The way anything associated with gaming is usually marketed always makes me imagine the marketing company. I tend to imagine a bunch of 80 year olds that talk about new fangled this and doohicky that and how they think the kids these days just love that there Jackass and DMX (since these old people found out about

Anyone that thinks this hasn’t been a thing since at least the 1920s is a naive idiot. And every actress could come out now and name names and it still won’t stop. It’ll go quiet for a year or two at most. The casting couch is real and will stay real as long as we buy tickets and DVDs and Blu Rays. It won’t die until

There is no such thing as a job you pay to get. I don’t mean hiring a resume writer or something, but there is no legit work that asks you to pay. That is, in the most literal sense, the exact opposite of a job.

Beautiful? It looks like Marble Madness without the pixels. It’s flat and dull looking. Probably why I haven’t heard of it.

Hasn’t been a problem for me at all. Even games like Axiom Verge are fine with the buttons. How is this even a story anyway? You don’t see too many joysticks either. Times change and a dpad just isn’t really needed anymore.

Ok who are you and what have you done with Kotaku? Because I think I love you now for saying exactly what needed to be said about this and not walking the typical route on this site of showing a disdain for games and gamers. You didn’t insult anyone or anything, you didn’t overreact, you didn’t suck up. I’m impressed.

I don’t trust anyone that sides with what passes for feminism these days. Gender doesn’t even factor in.

I made it to Bushwick and couldn’t stop laughing. I guess third wave feminism is going to eat its own tail the same way the first two waves did. If I come across as insensitive it’s intentional. I’d never convict a guy if the woman stayed around the next day and made a relationship of it for months after. This wasn’t

Of course. It makes little sense to make it now. They earn billions a year keeping minimal staff for upkeep of Steam. They’d have to hire hundreds of people to work for years on a project that at best would pull in a billion or so. More likely it would crumble under anticipation and be derided for not being

Games? Fuck talking about games. We have ecelebs to cover!

Why the fuck did you review it if you knew you’d hate it? And why would anyone want to watch you play knowing you’ll just trash it? You aren’t funny and there are plenty of people who are with enough cred to not go into it with a shitty attitude.

It’s a mistake to demonize these people too much. He wouldn’t spend every waking moment plotting the downfall of western civilization. Same as pretty much every nut. They’re bad people but they’re still people. To understand them we need this full picture, Tom and Jerry included.

Shame because it IS good. Combat isn’t as clunky as I’ve heard, and everything else is closer to 4 than the vastly overrated Unity or mediocre Syndicate. I’m loving running around Alexandria and gawking at the architecture and statues.

The state of the internet over the last 10-15 years tells me they should probably be lined up and executed. That isn’t just a jab at alt right nuts. It’s fringe politics of every sort, dumb shit memes like Harambe, and generally all the horrible things that come with the stupid masses. The internet was much better

What possible circumstance could make you want an ad or stamina drain or any of that garbage? I’d get it if you said you just felt like quitting. I can’t comprehend a scenario that would be better with ads.