Arugula Boogala

It’s time for bloggers who never actually created anything of value to stop telling artists who make that their life’s work what to do.

You know, some people also didn’t like The Last Jedi because it’s a structurally questionable movie with some bad writing and underdeveloped (or underused) characters.

Stop trying to help people to flout our laws please.

And women are immune to changing moods or minds? At no time has a woman ever made a scene or gone off on her date. This is not a one way street. Get some pepper spray and don’t be afraid to use it. No “angel shot” is going to protect you if your bad choices take you somewhere it isn’t available.

The fact it took outrage to get companies to remove SPYWARE from their products.

One thing I have yet to see from anyone criticizing Valve’s recent statement is a concrete alternative. The standard critique always seems to boil down to, “Read my mind about what should and should not be allowed on Steam, and then make that the universal acceptance policy.” Yeah, that sounds totally workable, bud.

Good move, Valve. A platform should be an agnostic canvas for artists, not a playing field for corporations to push their morals on others. 

Women in videogames are characters in a videogame, and thus come with no expectation of agency whatsoever, unless you’re implying that the singularity has arrived.

If your argument is equity, I can all but guarantee that the ratio of female to male cosplayers featured on Kotaku is greater than one.

And that is because

Tell me again how it is that Kotaku’s staff reconciles its constant bitching about the objectification of women in videogames while promoting this shit?

Online = hard pass for me.

Radio Shack changed it’s business model to diversify into cell and smart phones and it wound up being the final nail in the coffin of a company that no longer knew what it did anymore.

When it comes to pimping whatever game is hot at the moment (Rocket League, Overwatch, now GoW) there is literally nothing too trivial to pimp out for content at kotaku.

No one is saying they shouldn’t run ads. There are plenty of other ad formats that aren’t auto-playing videos smack-dab in the middle of long-form text content. Polygon does the same thing, and it’s basically a slap in the face to people like me who try to support sites by disabling ad-blockers.

You are getting mad from the wrong angle, when it comes to buzz properties like Rovio back then the market has already priced in what the expectations of sales are so you can’t look at it as oh they tanked Rovio company because you only achieved record sales instead you have to view it as they were already worth more

These sound like good tips:)

Rogue One went down better because it was obviously made by people who loved star wars. being a star wars fan is REWARDED by watching Rogue One. When you hear them mention the whills, when they mention Kyberr Crystals. When they show republic ships using the same design as they did in KOTOR. When they show the Y wing

While I’m a big fan of independent game stores, it’s hard to see this as a bad move by Microsoft. Things that are good for consumers shouldn’t be avoided to keep companies in business. Should online shopping be limited since it stops people from walking into stores? Should we never have moved on from land lines with

people complain, but eventually they do what they are told. I gave up on thinking gamers will hold the line a long time ago. whenever there is a big rage out, i tend to ignore it, because it rarely has any real consequences.

Charles Manson didn’t kill anyone. Graham Spanier and Lou Anna Simon didn’t molest anyone. Cardinal Law also didn’t molest any altar boys. Jerry Jones and Roger Goodell didn’t commit domestic violence.

If the artist starts doing something you don’t like then leave. How much of a cunt do you have to be to not be able to handle that.