Arugula Boogala

Running often is a good reason to shoot them. You have no idea if they are just going to duck and head home or take hostages or hijack a car to get away or just start shooting blindly as they go. Officers can’t afford to risk our lives for someone confessing to a crime by running.

Declare war and you genocide PoC in America. The infrastructure is so stacked against you that it’d be like hitting a steel wall with a soggy sponge. Every industry and instrument of war belongs to the other side. What you propose is insanity.

An explosion usually destroys something too. But rather than the institutions that supposedly oppress, Ferguson and especially Baltimore saw the destruction of the communities themselves. All these marches and all your words trying to be poetic and capture a moment but what has been accomplished? Nothing. You can be

You live in a coastal big city I’m betting.

Medical emergency. You’re in a horrible accident and they can’t identify your birth gender. You could get treatment that might kill you if the doctor can’t tell, which is compounded if you are unconscious or unable to speak the language.

Why have a gender listed at all? Hell, why make people identify country of origin or have their names on them?

I want cops to carry guns. That means inherently they will be drawn sometimes. I know the tactic is to point this kind of thing out until cops don’t have guns. Fuck that. How about the thousands of times a day cops interact with the public without a problem? No, that doesn’t fit the narrative.

It’s inevitable that they’ll go the way of G4. Or that asswad at the arcade always willing to show off in Street Fighter. There’s only so many gimmicks and limits to attention spans. The 12 year olds making them famous won’t be there at 25 and by then 12 year olds won’t watch has been 40 year olds.

I see we continue to circle the drain. I’m now retroactively glad I never played the first one either. This streamer/Youtuber shit is the worst. Can’t die out fast enough.

I miss when games were out before we started talking about expansions and DLC. Oh well. Hopefully Destiny 2 has a story. At all. How Bungie pushed 1 out thinking it was fine is beyond me.

Your view is better? Hope you’re helping everyone out from that high horse.

Yes, stealing shit is perfectly ok when it’s been all of a day. Maybe buy a bottle of water when you hear a huge hurricane is coming next time. Otherwise it’s natural selection. Can’t eat hubris.

Glad I’m one of those horrible white guys that knows I don’t owe you anything nor is this my fight. If you want to blame me for racism through my awful complete lack of racism, go right ahead. I was pretty neutral about the whole thing until I started being called a racist because I don’t actively go out and stop

So another day in San Francisco, a city 95% of the country considers insane and doesn’t give a shit about. Big whoop. Would have the same reaction in Texas for entirely opposite reasons. Nuts on both sides are nuts. Simple as that. Now please go shower.

I’m too old to view this kind of thing as a blip on the radar. Any digital representation of me is not me. Nor do I ever consider it may be for others.

For people wanting to get into the series this was an awful read. I have no idea what like 80% of the things mentioned are. You seem to spoil the villain and go into characters and plots from other games in the series. So as someone that hasn’t played any except the demo for 3, you really gave me nothing but confusion

Too bad we’re practically in September and I still can’t find a Switch except through scalpers. And it won’t get better as we approach holidays I’m sure.

Destiny 2 snuck up on me. The hell is up with the preorders? I can get the regular edition but everything else is digital only? I wanted to save a few bucks on the expansion pass but I can’t go digital on a game that’s like 569278 gigs already.

I just don’t want people to keep pretending Dany is some savior. She’s been the least effective leader since season 1 outside of maybe Renly. Everything she touches turns to shit and people ignore the horrors and civil wars brewing behind her because she (not really) ended slavery once. Kinda. Maybe.

1) That’s because PUBG isn’t a word, it’s an acronym.