Nothing more entertaining to me than when one group of liberals starts to eat another. How is telling white women to shut up any different than the millions of excuses made about how men are bad? Aren’t you just libsplaining?
Nothing more entertaining to me than when one group of liberals starts to eat another. How is telling white women to shut up any different than the millions of excuses made about how men are bad? Aren’t you just libsplaining?
You have the right to say whatever racist nonsense you want, barring a call to violence or a threat. You don’t have the right to any job unless you live in a union state and fit the rules. The irony there is that right to work states tend to be conservative so a lot of these idiots are walking right into a trap they…
We should just stop talking about games altogether. Politics needs to be fucking everywhere in everything.
That was painful to read. Please stop watching.
I’m not the one writing anti-white inflammatory shit daily. I don’t invent new racist terms, support racist policy, and rally the fringe liberals any time a white person finds a reason to smile.
No but there is a massive contradiction between saying we’re all complicit in white supremacy if we don’t side with you after one incident and saying we can’t judge all Muslims just because a few hundred incidents with exponentially more deaths occur.
There has never been a liberal group or individual that has ever harmed anyone or gotten people killed.
A white woman dies and it’s a race fueled crime? That’s kind of weird. And how come the coverage of this varies so much from the coverage of Baltimore? Even before this terrorism (see? I’m not siding with this bullshit) Jez was harshly and strictly against it. But destroy property and loot in Baltimore and it’s ok…
I’ve seen plenty of footage where that happened. People shoving up against riot lines and they weren’t beaten. Or are you saying instead of NOT beating BLM that cops should beat these nutbags? Because that’s like the antithesis to everything I thought BLM stood for.
So the internet is exactly what it was 20 years ago and people still expect it to change just because they want to monetize themselves? Good luck.
You know you’re getting old when the very ideas of online toxicity and being groped in VR make you laugh instead of sympathetic.
So wait, how much does it play like a hero shooter? Because I’ve never touched Overwatch and I’m not at all into MP games. If I’m going to have to have twitch reaction time and constant respawns in a SP game I’m going to be incredibly disappointed.
Did you watch GMA on a tree branch, oh Pot calling the Kettle?
For 6 seasons I had to watch Dany make a long series of terrible mistakes. Her good intentions are backed by horrible acts. She relies completely on killing whoever is in charge (and everyone remotely associated with them) in order to rule. Ineffectively. Then she gets bored and moves on. If she ever looked over her…
One of my favorites but the worst is when the Very Important One has like 3 long hallways and 5 empty rooms right after to make sure you listened closely. Because any of us that care stop and listen when it’s important and then have to trudge through nothing for 5 minutes and get reminded we’re absolutely playing a…
Because you never shut up about it. I don’t want to hear about anyone having sex. Yet here we are on a post all about you having sex. Great. Enjoy. Keep it to yourself.
At least something about this game isn’t generic. Dirty ugly white(ish) girl with terrible hair is becoming the new bald space marine. I wanted to give this a chance because I liked Enslaved a lot (except those terrible facial animations) but seeing gameplay it looks like a boring slog. Shame.
From start to finish this whole blog post is exactly the kind of fan that bugs me. You’re so into the quasi liberating feminist crap that you don’t even care that Dany is terrible in every conceivable way. Hell you didn’t even catch that the gold was safe in KL because you were flipping out over “kill everything and…
How many black people protested Sessions getting promoted? That’s just one white guy.
If you’re watching it hoping for more death you’re the shittiest kind of fan. I’m far more interested in plot resolution and what tropes get turned on their heads.