Arugula Boogala

You say you have a good idea of how the series is but then prove you don’t even know about the show on a basic level. When season 1 aired we knew it would be about 8 seasons. And it is going to be 8. It was never designed to be a perpetual series.

Does it stream well? I love how the blinders in this industry get smaller every year. To anyone that complains about the gaming industry, this is what you need to point to. I have never seen so many devs race towards such a fickle niche, even in the Wii shovelware years.

Why is this shared on Kotaku?

Because video games are taken as fact.

Isn’t making broad assumptions like that exactly what you think the problem here is?

That’s bullshit. Games don’t have an obligation to be absolutely accurate to the real world. Even when it’s about a topic that triggers you personally. And even worse, you act like it’s socially irresponsible to have a game that isn’t accurate when I’d argue that taking LEGAL ADVICE from a game or developing opinions

He could play without streaming then. It’s literally a non-issue. Oh it hurts their revenue? Then get an actual job.

I don’t have any sympathy for the Charles Mansons of gaming. Fuck every one of these parasitic scum. I hope streamers are a fad and die off soon.

Is it a Kotaku requirement to play as a female?

Companies exist to make money. They are legally obligated to. So your point only applies in your dream world of hugs and rainbows. Grow up. It’ll hurt less when reality happens.

What kind of fantasy land are we living in where people expect a company to NOT defend itself? If you are faced with massive payouts or fighting it, you fight it. It’s called reality and it’s probably why none of you are running or representing big companies.

It is long overdue. Higher education is not a right. AA programs exist to increase diversity at the expense of white students AND lowering the quality of education offered. I’m not calling anyone stupid but when you tick off quotas and it brings down the average, there is damage done. We aren’t a nation that can

I don’t know how to ask nicely so I won’t. Are you legitimately mentally ill? I’m not joking.

Bunk. Whole lot of bunk. The game uses tried and true framing devices to “tell” you where to look. Rule of thirds and such. This sounds like a whiny complaint from someone that didn’t want a remaster but only the exact same game in every way. Blurring things isn’t artistic, it’s a necessary evil spawned from complex

My “never have watched this esports crap” just turned into “never going to watch this esports crap”.

Limit is an odd choice of word when the PS4 is number 1 with a bullet. Limiting would be to only release one of the other two versions where potential sales are drastically lower. Hopefully it gets a full release on all the platforms available but if they have to pick one, PS4 is not a bad option.

Pass. If a game is difficult I want it to be in service of the game. This sounds like trying to target a demographic. You can keep your Soulslikes no matter how much they channel other games. I’m not replaying areas over and over because they can’t give me a checkpoint.

Funny, the only time I’ve heard about her being the perfect victim is from bloggers raging about black people being killed. I guess I’m reading the wrong news. Incidentally, I really don’t approve of dismissing the crime because you don’t like her color. You aren’t mad at the police. You’re mad that journalists aren’t

Why are you directing your anger at Walmart? Pretty sure this is 100% Nintendo’s fault. Why is getting a preorder so important? Because Nintendo consistently fucks up. You’re aiming for the wrong company.

You hear about a white woman getting murdered and you get mad at the media. A PoC and you get mad at the cops.