Arugula Boogala

Dismissing this case because it isn’t getting the same kind of coverage as others with PoC is racism though. This article is ignoring the crime to focus on the reaction by journalists and others. Why? Why are we talking about the media when a woman is dead? Because of race. This is not the way to progress and it sure

Isn’t making a murder all about you and your racial views kind of the fucking problem? I’m not dumb enough to believe people would be bigger than that but haven’t we established that the racial views of cops and their own self interest based on those views are how we get these body counts?

Because of course. Diversity is the new trope.

Ever consider that border crossers might not just lean on the fence once they cross?

Yep because people crossing the border stay there and never go more than a mile in.

I’ve been through plenty of border patrol checkpoints, some within a few miles of the border, some hours away. That particular question has never come up but I have been asked where I was coming from and where I was going. You know, their job that we pay them for. I was asked pretty similar questions when I landed in

So the Democrats need to push harder left? Follow the exact recipe that has caused every significant election loss since the 1970s? Fantastic idea!

I’m constantly reassured that I made the right decision avoiding this game. Why not just break out into vuvuzela too. Maybe yo quiero some Taco Bell.

I’ve never given any thought or consideration to how tall he was. Why would I? I don’t know him and I’ve never met him. It’s really weird to think people are giving this any of their time.

I mean I guess it’s cool that you don’t want to do your job. I thought any self respecting journalist followed the story, not just phoned it in for the paycheck. Good on you for having resources and access but allowing this shit to happen anyway because you feel it’s someone else’s problem.

Oh shut the fuck up. Not everything is about you and your racial hang ups.

Good. The tragedy here is they can still vote. I’d support taking kids away from stupid people on a federal level without a second thought. The kids are what’s important and no amount of love can replace the intelligence needed to raise a child that is capable of making it in the world. If it were up to me stupid

Well if a lot of people really hate condoms then a lot of people can roll the dice on getting AIDS. Am I supposed to be sympathetic when risky behavior carries risks? Guess I’m not liberal enough to want a world where everyone can just fuck everyone carefree. I’m sure some people don’t like washing their dicks either.

But he is her president. And yours. Not owning that means you don’t accept your role in how things played out. And guess what happens when people don’t learn from mistakes? Doubly so when they aren’t even acknowledging a mistake was made.

Are you kidding me? They’ve turned GoT into a feminist circlejerk. This show will undoubtedly show white men as the evil problem, just how you like.

What makes this a gaming chair as opposed to an ugly office chair?

What makes this a gaming chair as opposed to an ugly office chair?

Very Tully-ing info of the Stark change. Hound will they cope when they know Euron other entertainment? Umm. Lannister something something. Gilly a break, this isn’t easy.

So white people forcing their standards on black people and killing off things like natural hair is bad. White people forcing their standards on another culture to liberate legs is good?

I don’t know what planet $86 for a clock is affordable but it sure isn’t the one I live on.

I don’t know what planet $86 for a clock is affordable but it sure isn’t the one I live on.

Make sure the hacks you work with at Gawker Media read this. Or get it tattooed on their foreheads. And I’m not using a blanket statement for emphasis either. The one sided heavy handed politicizing of every post is exactly where journalism dies in favor of mental masturbation.