Arugula Boogala

1) How is it not discrimination to consider it a bad thing that a man wrote a book?

I’ve never been able to watch much anime because it’s impossible to find just movies. I have no interest in shows, no matter how good. And inevitably when I bring that up I get that one reply about how (fill in show name here) is the exception and I won’t regret it.

Interesting. Because the left was always about letting people be who they are, to learn and grow, to not be saddled with your youthful ignorance. But I guess that only applies when it fits your politics right?

Considering this very site has told me that I’m scum for being a gamer, then that I encouraged racism, sexism, and rape by virtue of being born a white male, and that everything from sitting on a bus to holding open a door is oppression... I’m not helping out with a goddamn thing. I don’t want to be criticized for

How would a guy like this even get a woman into bed? Be a little discerning for Christ’s sake. I thought the guy that played acoustic guitar on campus never actually got laid. Finding out he does is a paradigm shift for me. I’m not sure but I think I just lost some respect for women. I always just assumed there would

So wypipo is ok to say as a derogatory racial term? How exactly is that different than saying nigger? Serious question.

Oh good, now tuition will be even higher. I don’t support paying a penny more to any teacher in the US until we teach better. We’re not ranked high enough in most categories to justify it. And music teachers? My close friend is a professor of music and I still say they’re overpaid. Let’s pay drama teachers and home ec

So it’s ok to paint with a broad brush? Cool. All blacks are criminals and every woman falsely cries rape.

Faith is believing something to be true without proof in the classic sense of the word. Human rights are pretty much the same. Hold on, let me explain.

Where is this kind of digging about a liberal politician? You pander to a specific audience that wouldn’t be invited so you probably won’t be able to find anything since you are an outlet that is blatantly belligerent to the opposition.

That’s absolutely right. We need to remember that it’s innocent until proven guilty. Unless a cop sneezes in the same state as a PoC. Then they’re racist and should be publicly hung. Because we’re progressive!

I miss the days when a popcorn summer movie was judged based on being entertaining or fun action. But sure let’s just suck all the fun out and make everything about identity politics.

No. The first thing you do is battle. It’s good long before 10 hours. It just takes that long to open up everything you can do. Sorta like every single FF.

Free to play, resource gathering, town building is exactly why I never paid attention to The Tomorrow Children. Sounds like either the kind of phone games I avoid or the fad games I don’t bother with.

I feel like a terrible human being for even reading this. Not because of her, but because people give a shit.

I can’t take a site seriously about rugs when back in January you were praising women wearing floppy giant vaginas.

I actually like this rule. Just because you want to dress like trash in flip flops and a tank top doesn’t make it appropriate. Nor does your opinion about it being outdated. Why do you get to decide instead of the the top person working there? Oh right, because this is Jezebel and whatever a woman thinks is

When does the story get compelling? I love any time I’m in the ruins but nothing about Aloy’s story is grabbing me. I’m on my way to the big city I think, not too long after opening up the map for exploration. Please tell me it gets better.

Reverse the colors and everyone would be ripping into him for being racist. Says a lot about people and double standards.

Why was this shared on Kotaku?